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Issue M-1: A borrower can not repay to a USDC blacklisted lender

Source: #85

The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

000000, 0rpse, 0xnbvc, GGONE, PUSH0, Pheonix, Sickurity, SyncCode2017, bughuntoor, iamnmt, kennedy1030, t.aksoy, valuevalk


A borrower transfers LOAN_TOKEN directly to a lender when repaying their loan will cause the loan can not to be repaid when the lender is blacklisted by the LOAN_TOKEN.

Root Cause

A borrower repays their loan by transferring LOAN_TOKEN directly to a lender

    function repay(uint256 loanId) external nonReentrant {
        Loan storage loan = loans[loanId];


        LoanStatus status = loan.status;
        if (status != LoanStatus.Active) {
            if (status != LoanStatus.Called) {
                revert InvalidLoanStatus();

        uint256 debt = _calculateDebt(loan.loanAmount, loan.interestRatePerSecond, _calculateLoanTimeElapsed(loan));

        loan.status = LoanStatus.Repaid;

>>      LOAN_TOKEN.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, loan.lender, debt);
        CTF.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, loan.positionId, loan.collateralAmount, "");

        emit LoanRepaid(loanId, debt);

When LOAN_TOKEN is USDC, and the lender is blacklisted, the borrower can not transfer USDC to repay the lender.

Internal pre-conditions

  2. The borrower has borrowed from the lender before the lender is blacklisted by USDC.

External pre-conditions

The lender is blacklisted by USDC

Attack Path

  1. The borrower borrows from the lender
  2. The lender is blacklisted by USDC
  3. The borrower can not repay the lender


  1. The borrower can not repay their loan
  2. The borrower can not get their collateral tokens (ERC1155) back
  3. When the loan is matured, the lender can call the loan, and then seize all the collateral tokens (Note that, since the new lender also has to transfer USDC to the old lender, the auction functionality will not work, and the lender will guarantee to seize all the collateral tokens)


No response


Implement a pushing method for repaying a loan:

  1. The borrower repays a loan by transferring the LOAN_TOKEN to the PredictDotLoan contract, and the loan amounts are credited to the lender.
  2. The lender claims the loan amounts back from the PredictDotLoan contract.

Issue M-2: Collateral can already be seized even when negRiskMarket is not fully resolved

Source: #113

Found by



NegRiskMarket has a two step verification process, in order to ensure reported outcomes are correct. First the UMA oracle has the possibility to flag the answer and after this there is a period of time in which the negRiskAdapterOperator can flag the result.

View following code for negRiskOperator: NegRiskOperator.sol View following code for UMA report: UmaCtfAdapter.sol

The negRiskOperator can still change the answer in case he deems it to be incorrect, even after the UMA oracle has reported a valid outcome.

This leads to following problem: Currently the loan can be seized even if the negRiskAdapterOperator has flagged the result / the result is not yet determined.

In case the answer changes, it will lead to loss of collateral for the borrower.

Root Cause

Currently the _isQuestionPriceAvailable function checks if the UMA oracle OR the Market is determined. In case the UMA oracle returns a result, but this result is flagged and the market is not determined yet, the function will return true regardless.

function _isQuestionPriceAvailable(
        QuestionType questionType,
        bytes32 questionId
    ) private view returns (bool isAvailable) {
        if (questionType == QuestionType.Binary) {
            (isAvailable, ) = _isBinaryOutcomeQuestionPriceAvailable(UMA_CTF_ADAPTER, questionId);
        } else {
            (isAvailable, ) = _isBinaryOutcomeQuestionPriceAvailable(NEG_RISK_UMA_CTF_ADAPTER, questionId);
            isAvailable = isAvailable || _isNegRiskMarketDetermined(questionId);

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Lender creates loan on difficult market
  2. The loan time ends and it becomes sizable

External pre-conditions

  1. UMA Oracle returns an Answer
  2. The UMA Oracles answers gets flagged / changed by the negRiskAdapterOperator.

Attack Path

  1. Create loan on difficult market that ends shortly after the market resolves
  2. Take unrightfully collateral in case outcome changes


Lender can take borrowers collateral even if the answer has not fully resolved. Breaking invariant and leading to loss of funds.


It should be sufficient to check only _isNegRiskMarketDetermined(questionId). From our research it can only return true in case the UMA oracle and the negRiskAdapter are correctly resolved.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-3: Refinancing and auction take less fee than expected.

Source: #118

Found by

000000, 0xNirix, bughuntoor, dany.armstrong90, iamnmt, kennedy1030, silver_eth, t.aksoy, tobi0x18


When creating a new loan within _acceptOffer, the protocolFee is applied to the whole amount taken from the lender - the fulfilled amount.

    function _transferLoanAmountAndProtocolFee(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 loanAmount
    ) private returns (uint256 protocolFee) {
        protocolFee = (loanAmount * protocolFeeBasisPoints) / 10_000;
        LOAN_TOKEN.safeTransferFrom(from, to, loanAmount - protocolFee);
        if (protocolFee > 0) {
            LOAN_TOKEN.safeTransferFrom(from, protocolFeeRecipient, protocolFee);

So if the user fulfills 1000 USDC and the protocol fee is 2%, the fee that will be taken will be 20 USDC and the user will receive 980 USDC.

However, this is not the case within refinance and auction.

        uint256 _nextLoanId = nextLoanId;
        uint256 debt = _calculateDebt(loan.loanAmount, loan.interestRatePerSecond, callTime - loan.startTime);
        uint256 protocolFee = (debt * protocolFeeBasisPoints) / 10_000;

There. the protocol fee is applied on the debt. So if a position with a debt of 980 USDC gets auctioned, the fee that will be paid will be 19,6 USDC. In this case, the protocol will earn 2% less fees than expected.

Whenever there's a protocol fee, refinance and auction will earn less fees proportional to the set protocolFee. Meaning that if the fee is 1%, these functions would earn 1% less. And if the fee is set to 2%, the loss will be 2%.

As the protocol can easily lose up to 2% of its fees, this according to Sherlock rules should be classified as High severity

Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.

Root Cause

Wrong math formula used

Affected Code


Protocol will make significantly less fees than expected.


No response


Use the following formula instead

        uint256 protocolFee = (debt * protocolFeeBasisPoints) / (10_000 - protocolFeeBasisPoints);



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-4: Using wrong format of questionId for NegRiskCtfAdapter leads to loan operations on resolved multi-outcome markets

Source: #119

Found by



PredictDotLoan contract aims at preventing operations with loans as soon as underlying binary questions or multi-outcome markets become resolved. Unfortunately the determination of whether the multi-outcome markets are resolved is implemented incorrectly.

The problem is that though the format of questionIds employed in UmaCtfAdapter and NegRiskAdapter are different, they are treated as the same in PredictDotLoan; as a result of this misinterpretation, the request _isNegRiskMarketDetermined(bytes32 questionId) will always return false. This will lead to treating multi-outcome markets as unresolved, and thus to a guaranteed loss of funds: e.g. giving a loan to the borrow proposal for a position which is guaranteed to resolve to 0.

Root Cause

As outlined in the documentation for Polymarket Multi-Outcome Markets:

The NegRiskOperator and NegRiskAdapter are designed to be used with the UmaCtfAdapter, or any oracle with the same interface. A dedicated UmaCtfAdapter will need to be deployed with the UmaCtfAdapter's ctf set to the address of the NegRiskAdapter, and the NegRiskOperator's oracle set to the address of the UmaCtfAdapter.

In order to prepare a question for a market using the NegRiskOperator, the question must be initialized on the UmaCtfAdapter first. Then, the question may be prepared on the NegRiskOperator where the _requestId parameter is the questionID returned by the UmaCtfAdapter.

As can be seen, questionId as employed in UmaCtfAdapter becomes _requestId in NegRiskOperator, which generates its own questionId, in another format. Concretely:

  • UmaCtfAdapter's questionId is generated in UmaCtfAdapter::initialize as follows:

     bytes memory data = AncillaryDataLib._appendAncillaryData(msg.sender, ancillaryData);
     if (ancillaryData.length == 0 || data.length > MAX_ANCILLARY_DATA) revert InvalidAncillaryData();
     questionID = keccak256(data);

    Thus, this questionId is obtained by keccak256 of initialization data.

  • NegRiskAdapter's questionId is generated via NegRiskOperator::prepareQuestion:

    function prepareQuestion(bytes32 _marketId, bytes calldata _data, bytes32 _requestId)

    which then routes to MarketDataManager::_prepareQuestion:

     function _prepareQuestion(bytes32 _marketId) internal returns (bytes32 questionId, uint256 index) {
         MarketData md = marketData[_marketId];
         address oracle = marketData[_marketId].oracle();
         if (oracle == address(0)) revert MarketNotPrepared();
         if (oracle != msg.sender) revert OnlyOracle();
         index = md.questionCount();
         questionId = NegRiskIdLib.getQuestionId(_marketId, uint8(index));
         marketData[_marketId] = md.incrementQuestionCount();

    As can be seen, the latter questionId is obtained by merging marketId (248 bits) and index (8 bits).

Despite this discrepancy in formats, the questionId from UmaCtfAdapter is employed in PredictDotLoan for requesting the state of the market from NegRiskAdapter in _assertQuestionPriceUnavailable:

function _assertQuestionPriceUnavailable(QuestionType questionType, bytes32 questionId) private view {
    if (questionType == QuestionType.Binary) {
        _assertBinaryOutcomeQuestionPriceUnavailable(UMA_CTF_ADAPTER, questionId);
    } else {
        if (_isNegRiskMarketDetermined(questionId)) {
            revert MarketResolved();
        _assertBinaryOutcomeQuestionPriceUnavailable(NEG_RISK_UMA_CTF_ADAPTER, questionId);

function _isNegRiskMarketDetermined(bytes32 questionId) private view returns (bool isDetermined) {
@>>    isDetermined = NEG_RISK_ADAPTER.getDetermined(NegRiskIdLib.getMarketId(questionId));

NegRiskAdapter's getDetermined is implemented as follows:

function getDetermined(bytes32 _marketId) external view returns (bool) {
    return marketData[_marketId].determined();

function determined(MarketData _data) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return MarketData.unwrap(_data)[1] == 0x00 ? false : true;

As NegRiskIdLib.getMarketId simply masks the last 8 bits away from questionId in the wrong format, and the above code simply reads the data from a mapping, combined it means that getDetermined will always return false as it will read data from an uninitialized mapping entry.


Guaranteed loss of funds: when a multi-outcome market gets resolved (e.g. we know that candidate A won elections), then all other positions (for candidates B, C, D) automatically become worthless. But if PredictDotLoan still treats the multi-outcome market as unresolved, this allows a multitude of exploits: e.g. grabbing an open loan proposal, and providing as collateral tokens for candidate B; or providing a loan for a still open borrow proposal for candidate A, and potentially seizing much more funds than the provided loan amount.


Apply the necessary missing step of indirection:

  • Read the public questionIds mapping from NegRiskOperator, using UmaCtfAdapter's questionId as _requestId:

    mapping(bytes32 _requestId => bytes32) public questionIds;
  • Apply this value to request the market state in function _isNegRiskMarketDetermined.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-5: hashProposal uses wrong typeshash when hashing the encoded Proposal struct data

Source: #266

Found by

0xAadi, 0xShoonya, Ironsidesec, KiroBrejka, ZanyBonzy, h2134, infect3d, valuevalk


acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder, _refinance, matchProposals use _assertValidSignature which hashes proposal data and verifies the signature. But the hashed proposal type hash computation is wrong due to usage of uint256 questionId instead of bytes32 questionId

There are 2 impacts. So, even if one is acceptable/wrong, then the issue impact on another.

  1. This will break the signature verification.
  2. And breaking the strict EIP712's compatibility (mentioned in readme) where atomic types should be the same as the data format in the struct. Mentioned in Definition of typed structured data section.

Root Cause

Using uint256 questionId instead of bytes32 questionId inside the type hash of hashProposal()

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

Issue flow :

  1. look at line 50 below, the questionId is in bytes 32. And when hashing a proposal data, the type hash of proposal struct format should also use bytes32 for question id. But here its using uint256. Check on line 819 below.
  2. Due to this, the type hash will be different result. look at the chisel example below. The hashes are different, so the signature hash is using wrong digest to verify the signature. Should have used bytes32 itself.

This breaks the EIP712 , where atomic types like uint, bytes1 to bytes32, address should be directly used. And only strings, bytes data are dynamic types, should be keccack hashed and then derive the type hash.



45:     struct Proposal {
    ---- SNIP ----
49:         QuestionType questionType;
50:   >   bytes32 questionId;
51:         bool outcome;
52:         uint256 interestRatePerSecond;
    ---- SNIP ----
59:         uint256 protocolFeeBasisPoints;
60:     }


814:     function hashProposal(Proposal calldata proposal) public view returns (bytes32 digest) {
815:         digest = _hashTypedDataV4(
816:             keccak256(
817:                 abi.encode(
818:                     keccak256(
819:      >>>                "Proposal(address from,uint256 loanAmount,uint256 collateralAmount,uint8 questionType,uint256 questionId,bool outcome,uint256 interestRatePerSecond,uint256 duration,uint256 validUntil,uint256 salt,uint256 nonce,uint8 proposalType,uint256 protocolFeeBasisPoints)"
820:                     ),
    ---- SNIP ----
824:                     proposal.questionType,
825:                     proposal.questionId,
    ---- SNIP ----

834:                 )
835:             )
836:         );
837:     }


2 impacts

  1. due to wrong type hash computation leading to wrong digest validation in the signature validator, the signatures might fail.
  2. breaking the EIP712 mentioned in readme where it strictly complains. The atomic types should not be hashed or converted to other types.


No response


    function hashProposal(Proposal calldata proposal) public view returns (bytes32 digest) {
        digest = _hashTypedDataV4(
                       "Proposal(address from,uint256 loanAmount,uint256 collateralAmount,uint8 questionType,
- uint256 questionId,
                       bool outcome,uint256 interestRatePerSecond,uint256 duration,uint256 validUntil,uint256 salt,uint256 nonce,uint8 proposalType,uint256 protocolFeeBasisPoints)"
                        "Proposal(address from,uint256 loanAmount,uint256 collateralAmount,uint8 questionType,
+ bytes32 questionId,
                    bool outcome,uint256 interestRatePerSecond,uint256 duration,uint256 validUntil,uint256 salt,uint256 nonce,uint8 proposalType,uint256 protocolFeeBasisPoints)"
    ---- SNIP ----




The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:


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