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ny-shao committed Sep 5, 2014
1 parent cb50cee commit 65a7b75
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Showing 4 changed files with 526 additions and 31 deletions.
67 changes: 36 additions & 31 deletions
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@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
# Pipeline for ChIP-seq preprocessing
Pipeline for ChIP-seq preprocessing

### Overview

Here is the pipeline I used for ChIP-seq preprocessing, including:

* align the fastq data to reference genome by bowtie or bowtie2.
* run FastQC to check the sequencing quality.
* remove all reads duplications of the aligned data.
* generate TDF files for browsing in IGV.
* run PhantomPeak to check the quality of ChIP.
* run ngs.plot to investigate the enrichment of ChIP-seq data at TSS, TES, and genebody.
- align the fastq data to reference genome by bowtie or bowtie2.
- run FastQC to check the sequencing quality.
- remove all reads duplications of the aligned data.
- generate TDF files for browsing in IGV.
- run PhantomPeak to check the quality of ChIP.
- run ngs.plot to investigate the enrichment of ChIP-seq data at TSS, TES, and genebody.

The pipeline work flow is:

Expand All @@ -19,14 +20,14 @@ The pipeline work flow is:

The softwares used in this pipeline are:

* [ruffus](
* [Bowtie](
* [FastQC](
* [samtools](
* [IGVTools](
* [PhantomPeak]( __In fact, the script **run_spp_nodups.R** is from PhantomPeak, but PhantomPeak still need to be installed in R.__
* [ngs.plot](
* If cluster supporting needed, [drmaa_for_python]( is needed. Now only LSF is supported, but it is easy to modify it to fit your demands.
- [ruffus](
- [Bowtie](
- [FastQC](
- [samtools](
- [IGVTools](
- [PhantomPeak]( **In fact, the script **run_spp_nodups.R** is from PhantomPeak, but PhantomPeak still need to be installed in R.**
- [ngs.plot](
- If cluster supporting needed, [drmaa_for_python]( is needed. Now LSF and SGE are supported, but it is easy to modify it to fit your demands.

Install above softwares and make sure they are in $PATH.

Expand All @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ Put the scripts in ./bin to a place in $PATH or add ./bin to $PATH.
python config.yaml

Or on an LSF cluster:
Or on an LSF or SGE cluster:

nohup python config.yaml &
Expand All @@ -56,38 +57,42 @@ python config.yaml

For the organization of projects, I generally follow this paper: [A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects]( Here because it is preprocessing, and real analysis will be peak calling, chromatin segmentation, and differential enrichment detection, so I just put the results of the preprocess in the data folder.

For the configuration yaml file, __project_dir: `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq`__ and __data_dir: "data"__ mean the data folder is `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq/data`, and the results will be put in the same folder. Fastq files should be under `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq/data/fastq` folder. Now *.fastq, *.fq, *.gz (compressed fastq) files are acceptable. `aligner` now could be `bowtie` or `bowtie2`, if not assigned, then default aligner is `bowtie`. For `bowtie2`, the system variable `$BOWTIE2_INDEXES` should be set before running.
For the configuration yaml file, **project_dir: `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq`** and **data_dir: "data"** mean the data folder is `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq/data`, and the results will be put in the same folder. Fastq files should be under `~/projects/test_ChIP-seq/data/fastq` folder. Now *.fastq, *.fq, *.gz (compressed fastq) files are acceptable. `aligner` now could be `bowtie` or `bowtie2`, if not assigned, then default aligner is `bowtie`. For `bowtie2`, the system variable `$BOWTIE2_INDEXES` should be set before running.

The position of,, and config.yaml doesn't matter at all. But I prefer to put them under project/script/preprocess folder.


+ To make ngs.plot part work, please name the fastq files in this way:
- To make ngs.plot part work, please name the fastq files in this way:

Say condition A, B, each with 2 replicates, and one DNA input per condition.
Name the files as A_rep1.fastq, A_rep2.fastq, A_input.fastq, B_rep1.fastq,
Say condition A, B, each with 2 replicates, and one DNA input per condition.
Name the files as A_rep1.fastq, A_rep2.fastq, A_input.fastq, B_rep1.fastq,
B_rep2.fastq, and B_input.fastq.The key point is to make the same condition
samples with common letters and input samples contain "input" or "Input"
+ If use want to only run to some specific step, just modify the function name in `pipeline_run` in
+ If the data are pair-end, follow this step:
+ Modify the `config.yaml` file, change "pair_end" to "yes".
+ Modify the `config.yaml` file, change "input_files" to "\*R1\*.fastq.gz" or "\*R1\*.fastq".
+ Make sure the fastq files named as "\*R1\*" and "\*R2\*" pattern.
+ if you want to use cluster:
+ Edit '~/.bash_profile' to make sure all paths in $PATH.
+ Modify `config.yaml` to fit your demands.
+ `multithread` in `` determines the number of concurrent jobs to be submitted to cluster nodes by ruffus. A default value of 10 is used.

- If use want to only run to some specific step, just modify the function name in `pipeline_run` in
- If the data are pair-end, follow this step:
- Modify the `config.yaml` file, change "pair_end" to "yes".
- Modify the `config.yaml` file, change "input_files" to "*R1*.fastq.gz" or "*R1*.fastq".
- Make sure the fastq files named as "*R1*" and "*R2*" pattern.
- if you want to use cluster:
- Edit '~/.bash_profile' to make sure all paths in $PATH.
- Modify `config.yaml` to fit your demands.
- `multithread` in `` determines the number of concurrent jobs to be submitted to cluster nodes by ruffus. A default value of 10 is used.


`Bowtie2` allows multiple hits reads, and breaks the assumption of `phantomPeak`:
`Bowtie2` allows multiple hits reads, and breaks the assumption of `phantomPeak`:

It is EXTREMELY important to filter out multi-mapping reads from the BAM/tagAlign
files. Large number of multimapping reads can severly affect the phantom peak
coefficient and peak calling results.

So be careful to interpret `NSC` and `RSC` in `Bowtie2` alignment results.

### Notes
Expand All @@ -98,4 +103,4 @@ In Bowtie2, default parameters are used.

### ToDos

+ Method to skip some steps if the user doesn't run.
- Method to skip some steps if the user doesn't run.
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions project/script-sge/config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
project_name: "test_ChIP-seq"
project_dir: "~/projects/test_ChIP-seq"

## Aligner: bowtie or bowtie2
aligner: "bowtie"
pair_end: "yes"

## If use bowtie, then bowtie1 index path to be assigned here.
## "Genome" replaced by genome name as "hg19" or "mm9", and
## uncomment next line.
bowtie_index: "~/data/bowtie_index/Genome"

## If use bowtie2, then "Genome" should be replace by
## bowtie2 index name, as "hg19" or "mm9"
## $BOWTIE2_INDEXES should be added in the environment variables
# bowtie_index: "Genome"

bam_sort_buff: "2G"
IGV_genome: "hg19"
# ngsplot_genome: "reference_genome"
# ngsplot_fraglen: 150

## the folder under project folder, containing fastq folder.
data_dir: "data"

## match pattern for input files. Now it could be:
## *.fastq, *.fq, *.gz
## for pair end data, use "*R1*.fastq.gz" or "*R1*.fastq"
input_files: "*R1*.fastq.gz"

## cluster settings
cores: 4 # number of cores to use for multi-threaded programs.
queue: "queue_name"
h_vmem: "32G"

## wall_time for every step, hh:mm
alignFastqByBowtie: "23:59"
runFastqc: "4:00"
rmdupBam: "20:00"
genTDF: "20:00"
runPhantomPeak: "20:00"
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions project/script-sge/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import yaml
from ruffus import *
import glob
import subprocess
import string
import drmaa
from ruffus.drmaa_wrapper import run_job, error_drmaa_job

my_drmaa_session = drmaa.Session()

def expandOsPath(path):
To expand the path with shell variables.
- `path`: path string
return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))

def genFilesWithPattern(pathList, Pattern):
To generate files list on the fly based on wildcards pattern.
- `pathList`: the path of the files
- `Pattern`: pattern like config["input_files"]
Files = expandOsPath(os.path.join(*pathList))
return Files

def cluster_options(config, task_name, cores, logfile):
Generate a string of cluster options to feed an LSF job.
- `config`: configuration as associative array from the YAML file.
- `task_name`: the specific task name, such as runPhantomPeak.
- `cores`: number of cores to use for this task.
- `logfile`: log file name.
## Here are the paramters for SGE.
str_options = "-cwd -V -pe shm %d -q %s -j y -o %s" % \
(cores, config["queue"], logfile)
if "h_vmem" in config:
str_options = str_options + " -l h_vmem=%s" % (config["h_vmem"])
return str_options

config_name = sys.argv[1]
config_f = open(config_name, "r")
config = yaml.load(config_f)
inputfiles = expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"], "fastq", config["input_files"]))
FqFiles = [x for x in glob.glob(inputfiles)]
fq_name, fq_ext = os.path.splitext(config["input_files"])
fq_ext_suffix = ".alignment.log"
Bam_path = expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"])) + "/"
FastQC_path = expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"], "FastQC"))
rmdup_path = expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"], "rmdup"))

scipt_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

@transform(FqFiles, formatter(fq_ext), os.path.join(Bam_path, "{basename[0]}.bam"), config)
def alignFastqByBowtie(FqFileName, OutputBamFileName, config):
To align '.fastq' to genome.
- `FqFileName`: file to be processed
if "aligner" in config:
if config["aligner"] == "bowtie":
cmds = ['']
elif config["aligner"] == "bowtie2":
cmds = ['']
raise KeyError
cmds = ['']

target = expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"]))
cores = int(config['cores'])
if cores == 0:
cores = 1
logfile = FqFileName + ".alignment.log"

run_job(" ".join(cmds),
job_name = "alignFastqByBowtie_" + os.path.basename(FqFileName),
job_other_options = cluster_options(config, "alignFastqByBowtie", cores, logfile),
job_script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
job_environment={ 'BASH_ENV' : '/srv/gsfs0/home/nshao/.bashrc' },
retain_job_scripts = True, drmaa_session=my_drmaa_session)

return 0

@follows(alignFastqByBowtie, mkdir(FastQC_path))
@transform(alignFastqByBowtie, suffix(".bam"), ".bam.fastqc.log", config)
def runFastqc(BamFileName, fastqcLog, config):
To run FastQC
- `BamFileName`: bam file
- `config`: config
cmds = ['fastqc']
cmds.append(expandOsPath(os.path.join(config["project_dir"], config["data_dir"], "FastQC")))
cores = int(config['cores'])
if cores == 0:
cores = 1
logfile = BamFileName + ".fastqc.log"

run_job(" ".join(cmds),
job_name = "fastqc_" + os.path.basename(BamFileName),
job_other_options = cluster_options(config, "runFastqc", cores, logfile),
job_script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
job_environment={ 'BASH_ENV' : '~/.bashrc' },
retain_job_scripts = True, drmaa_session=my_drmaa_session)

return 0

@follows(runFastqc, mkdir(rmdup_path))
@transform(alignFastqByBowtie, formatter(".bam"), os.path.join(rmdup_path, "{basename[0]}_rmdup.bam"), config)
def rmdupBam(BamFileName, rmdupFile, config):
To remove duplicates
- `BamFileName`: bam file
- `config`: config
if config["pair_end"]=="no":
cmds = ['']
cmds = ['']
#if "bam_sort_buff" in config:
# cmds.append(config["bam_sort_buff"])
logfile = BamFileName + ".rmdup.log"

cores = 1

run_job(" ".join(cmds),
job_name = "rmdup_" + os.path.basename(BamFileName),
job_other_options = cluster_options(config, "rmdupBam", cores, logfile),
job_script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
job_environment={ 'BASH_ENV' : '~/.bashrc' },
retain_job_scripts = True, drmaa_session=my_drmaa_session)

return 0

@follows(rmdupBam, mkdir(expandOsPath(os.path.join(rmdup_path, "tdf"))))
@transform(rmdupBam, suffix(".bam"), ".bam.tdf.log", config)
def genTDF(BamFileName, tdfLog, config):
To generate TDF files for IGV
- `BamFileName`: bam file
- `config`: config
cmds = ['igvtools']
TDFPath = expandOsPath(os.path.join(rmdup_path, "tdf"))
baseName = os.path.basename(BamFileName)
cmds.append(os.path.join(TDFPath, baseName.replace(".bam", ".tdf")))
logfile = BamFileName + ".tdf.log"

cores = 1

run_job(" ".join(cmds),
job_name = "genTDF_" + os.path.basename(BamFileName),
job_other_options = cluster_options(config, "genTDF", cores, logfile),
job_script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
job_environment={ 'BASH_ENV' : '~/.bashrc' },
retain_job_scripts = True, drmaa_session=my_drmaa_session)

return 0

@transform(rmdupBam, suffix(".bam"), ".bam.phantomPeak.log", config)
def runPhantomPeak(BamFileName, Log, config):
To check data with phantomPeak
- `BamFileName`: bam file
- `config`: config
cmds = ['']
logfile = BamFileName + ".phantomPeak.log"

cores = int(config['cores'])
if cores == 0:
cores = 1

run_job(" ".join(cmds),
job_name = "runPhantomPeak_" + os.path.basename(BamFileName),
job_other_options = cluster_options(config, "runPhantomPeak", cores, logfile),
job_script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
job_environment={ 'BASH_ENV' : '~/.bashrc' },
retain_job_scripts = True, drmaa_session=my_drmaa_session)

return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
## run to step of PhantomPeak
## multithread number need to be changed!
pipeline_run([runPhantomPeak], multithread=200)


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