A curative social media icon set to purge web pages and other code bases of excess markup
1. The viewBox attribute in the opening <svg> at a height of 16px.......rendering aid
2. The aria-labelledby="title" attribute in the opening <svg>...........accessibility
3. At least one accompanying <title>....................................accessibility
4. May also contain additional <title> and desc..............additional accessibility
- Web performance enhancer
- Stimulate accessible Web content
- Relieve anxiety and/or headaches caused by trying to style poorly formatted SVGs
See the license for more information.
Use as a submodule in another project with the command:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/shenangopress/catharticons.git YOUR_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/catharticons
Or download the ZIP file from this GitHub repository page …
Or clone this repository with the command:
$ git clone https://github.com/shenangopress/catharticons.git
For best results in HTML applications, load the SVG inline and style colors with the CSS fill
To suggest an icon to add to this set:
- Please create an issue with a link to a corresponding SVG or other inspriational graphic.
- Consider creating a pull request too.
Follow Reuben L. Lillie on GitHub and Twitter @reubenlillie.
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