A cross platform OIDC agent that will manange your OIDC tokens through a single gRPC API,
inspired by ssh-agent/gpg-agent. Agent will automaticly refresh token upon expiry. Perfect
tool for writing command line applications or debug your OIDC application from the command line
with tools like curl
The agent can also be used as a credential helper for services like kubernetes
or git
scoop bucket add shelmangroup https://github.com/shelmangroup/scoops.git
scoop install oidc-agent
Create a new client ID/Secret at your preferred provider (defaults to google cloud)
with the callback url set to http://localhost
Starta a new OIDC login flow with a google cloud. (will open a browser for you to complete the login)
$ oidc-agent login \
--client-id xyz.apps.googleusercontent.com \
--client-secret hT-bK074kBbbYBpO7USsFTiO \
-n my-app
Starta a new OIDC login flow with another provider.
$ oidc-agent login \
-p https://mycompany.eu.auth0.com \
--client-id login-app \
--client-secret NotSoSecret \
--callback-port 31337 \
--extra-scope offline_access \
--audience https://my-app.example.com/ \
-n my-app
This will cache the initial credentials in ~/.config/oidc-agent/my-app
or %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\oidc-agent\my-app
on windows.
will output access_token
, id_token
, and token_expiry
in json format.
$ oidc-agent get -n my-app
Add authorization header
$ curl -H "$(oidc-agent get -n my-app --auth-header -o id_token)" https://my-app.example.com
$ kubectl config set-credentials \
--auth-provider=gcp \
--auth-provider-arg=cmd-path=/path/to/oidc-agent \
--auth-provider-arg=cmd-args="get -n my-cluster-cred" \
--auth-provider-arg=token-key='{.access_token}' \
--auth-provider-arg=expiry-key='{.token_expiry}' \