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Artifact for the paper "Taming Callbacks for Smart Contract Modularity"

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Artifact for the paper "Taming Callbacks for Smart Contract Modularity"

ECF static checker - Getting Started Guide

This document describes how to run the ECF Checker. The ECF Checker analyzes EVM bytecode and may accept either raw bytecode or Solidity files.

The tool is provided as a docker image available from: shellyg/ecf-static-checker:1

To get the tool, run: docker pull shellyg/ecf-static-checker:1

To start the container, run: docker run -it shellyg/ecf-static-checker:1.

The container comes packaged with:

  • The tool (a JAR file and 3 auxiliary Python scripts).
  • Solidity compiler versions 0.4.25, 0.5.12, 0.5.16, 0.6.12.
  • A set of mini-benchmarks.
  • A set of real benchmarks as given in Section 7 of the submission.

Background information

The artifact implements the ECF static check by implementing the algorithm whose pseudo-code is shown in Figure 6 of the submission. The actual implementation contains more steps of preprocessing the contract bytecode, some standard static analysis algorithms and optimizations, as described in Section 7 of the submission.

The output produced will say for each function if it is ECF or not. An additional output JSON file will provide additional information about each callnode analyzed and a list of functions that left-move or right-move with respect to that callnode. (See Definitions 4.10, 4.11.)

General run instructions

To run the artifact on a bytecode file FILE, run the following command: ecf FILE

To run on a solidity file FILE.sol on a contract named CONTRACT:

ecf FILE.sol "-solc solcX.YY -subContract CONTRACT"

where X.YY is the required version of the Solidity compiler, either 4.25, 5.12, 5.16, or 6.12. If another version is required it can be fetched from the releases page of the Solidity compiler repository:

If the solidity file contains imports, that is, depends on other solidity files, configuring the build might be more complicated. However sources fetched from are flattened and thus the build process should be straight-forward.

A run of ecf will generate an ecf_*.json file. These json files were used to collect more detailed statistics about the Top150 benchmark as presented in Appendix B.

Basic testing

  • By running cd ecf/MiniBenchmarks/DAO/OriginalExample/; ./ the expected output should be similar to:

|Rule name                               |Verified     |Time (sec)|Description                                                 |Local vars                                        |
|Bank-deposit()                          |Not violated |..        |                                                            |                                                  |
|Bank-withdraw()                         |Violated     |..        |                                                            |                                                  |
  • By running cd ~/ecf/MiniBenchmarks/DAO/OriginalExampleFix/; ./ the expected output is:
|Rule name                               |Verified     |Time (sec)|Description                                                 |Local vars                                        |
|Bank-deposit()                          |Not violated |..        |                                                            |                                                  |
|Bank-withdraw()                         |Not violated |..        |                                                            |                                                  |

Tweaking parameters

Parameters that can be tweaked in the ecf script are:

  • -t - timeout per SMT query. Default is 600 (seconds).
  • ecfMaxTimePerCallnodeMinutes - timeout per callnode (see Section 5 for definition of callnode). Default is 30 (minutes).
  • ecfMaxTimePerMultiCallnodeCheckMinutes - timeout for the multi-callnode phase (see Section 5 in the paper). Default is 30 (minutes).

Step-by-step guide

Mini benchmarks

The mini benchmarks consist of:

  • 8 ECF examples: exN_ecf for N in 1-8.
    • All of the examples illustrate the concept of the Callback Invariant (Section 6)
  • 7 non-ECF examples: exN_non_ECF for N in 1-7.
  • 3 pairs (total: 6) of examples based on the DAO hack, where each is illustrating a different fix.
    • DAO/OriginalExample and DAO/OriginalExampleFix - the example from Figure 2 and the line-reordering fix.
    • DAO/OriginalExampleBasicLock and DAO/OriginalExampleBasicLockBroken - the fix based on Figure 5 and a mutation that breaks the fix and makes it non-ECF.
    • DAO/OriginalExampleMonotoneLock and DAO/OriginalExampleMonotoneLockBroken - a fix based on increasing counter lock and a mutation that break the fix and makes it non-ECF. The corrected code can be proven using a callback invariant as shown in Section 6. Note, however, that the implementation given in this artifact cannot express the callback invariant that proves the fix correct, since it cannot refer to local variables of a method.
  • An example illustrating the special revert handling described in Appendix A: DAO/OriginalExampleJustifyRevertsInSuffix. In this example, withdraw_with_inv_assumed is ECF, but withdraw cannot be proven ECF without applying the technique described in Appendix A. The output of the tool shows that the right movement check succeeds, since it implements the technique in Appendix A.

Each one of the subdirectories in ~/ecf/MiniBenchmarks contains a runner script to run the example with the tool, and an expected.json file that can be used to compare the actual results to expected results.

Top150 benchmark

To run on any individual contract from the Top150 benchmark, run:

ecf ecf/Top150Benchmarks/XXX.bin-runtime

Where XXX is a string that represents the address of the contract. Note that running on all 150 contracts takes a long time.

If available, it is possible to run on the Solidity file matching a bytecode file. The output is then human readable. To do so, run:

ecf ecf/Top150Benchmarks/XXX.sol "-solc solcX.YY -subContract NAME_OF_CONTRACT_IN_XXX "

where NAME_OF_CONTRACT_IN_XXX should be a contract declared in XXX.sol and solcX.YY should match the declared pragma version in XXX.sol.

For example, we can run on the contract with address 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac either directly on the bytecode or with Solidity sources. If we run with the bytecode only like this: ecf ~/ecf/Top150Benchmarks/0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac.bin-runtime we get the output:

Results for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac:
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-95ea7b3(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-21670f22(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-23b872dd(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-645ac00b(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-751c4d70(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-a0712d68(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-a4e3374b(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-a9059cbb(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-f2fde38b(): V
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-90cebff(): X
    Result for 0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac-3f55b895(): X

Indicating that the methods identified by the 4-byte sighashes (See explanation at 0x90cebff and 0x3f55b895 may be vulnerable to reentrancy attacks.

But if we run with the sources like this: ecf ~/ecf/Top150Benchmarks/0xb363a3c584b1f379c79fbf09df015da5529d4dac.sol "-solc solc4.25 -subContract MiracleTeleToken" we get the output:

Results for MiracleTeleToken:
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-approve(address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-reward(address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-transferFrom(address,address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-transferSignership(address): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-contributeDelegated(address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-mint(uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-transferDelegated(address,address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-transfer(address,uint256): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-transferOwnership(address): V
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-unDelegate(uint8,bytes32,bytes32): X
    Result for MiracleTeleToken-delegate(uint8,bytes32,bytes32): X

Here it becomes clear that the two suspected non-ECF functions are unDelegate and delegate. (These methods would be vulnerable if precompiled contracts allowed reentrancy, which is not the case.)

Running the comparative benchmarks

Simple installation instructions using docker are provided below. The instructions assume the artifact's git repository is locally cloned into ECF_DIR (full path should be given as argument to docker).


Slither can only be run on contracts with source whose supported compiler version is packaged with Slither's docker container.

To get Slither, run:

docker pull trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox

To run Slither, first run the docker:

docker run -it -v ECF_DIR:/share trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox

and in the container, run:

sudo chmod -R 755 /share

Within the docker:

  • Slither can be run on on individual contracts with:
solc-select 0.X.YY
slither FILE.SOL --detect reentrancy-eth,reentrancy-no-eth,reentrancy-benign,reentrancy-unlimited-gas  --json out.json

with X.YY standing for the Solidity version.

  • To run Slither on the contracts in the mini benchmark set, run:
  • To run Slither on all compatible contracts in the Top150 benchmark, run the script:


Securify2 only supports contracts compiled with Solidity versions 0.5.8 and above.

To install Securify2, run:

git clone
cd securify2
sudo docker build -t securify .
  • To run Securify2 on individual contracts:
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR:/share securify /share/CONTRACT_FILE.sol

where CONTRACT_FILE.sol is the the solidity file describing the contract.

  • To run Securify2 on all of the mini benchmarks:
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex1_ecf/ex1_ECF.sol >& securify.1ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex2_ecf/ex2_ECF.sol >& securify.2ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex3_ecf/ex3_ECF.sol >& securify.3ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex4_ecf/ex4_ECF.sol >& securify.4ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex5_ecf/ex5_ECF.sol >& securify.5ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex6_ecf/ex6_ECF.sol >& securify.6ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex7_ecf/ex7_ECF.sol >& securify.7ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex8_ecf/ex8_ECF.sol >& securify.8ecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex1_non_ecf/ex1_nonECF.sol >& securify.1nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex2_non_ecf/ex2_nonECF.sol >& securify.2nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex3_non_ecf/ex3_nonECF.sol >& securify.3nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex4_non_ecf/ex4_nonECF.sol >& securify.4nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex5_non_ecf/ex5_nonECF.sol >& securify.5nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex6_non_ecf/ex6_nonECF.sol >& securify.6nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks:/share securify /share/ex7_non_ecf/ex7_nonECF.sol >& securify.7nonecf.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExample/OriginalExample.sol >& securify.original.example.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleFix/OriginalExampleFix.sol >& securify.original.example.fix.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleBasicLock/OriginalExampleBasicLock.sol >& securify.original.example.basic.lock.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleBasicLockBroken/OriginalExampleBasicLockBroken.sol >& securify.original.example.basic.lock.broken.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleMonotoneLock/OriginalExampleMonotoneLock.sol >& securify.original.example.monotone.lock.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleMonotoneLockBroken/OriginalExampleMonotoneLockBroken.sol >& securify.original.example.monotone.lock.broken.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/MiniBenchmarks/DAO:/share securify /share/OriginalExampleJustifyRevertsInSuffix/OriginalExampleJustifyRevertsInSuffix.sol >&
  • To run Securify2 on the subset of compatible contracts out of the Top150 benchmark:
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x174bfa6600bf90c885c7c01c7031389ed1461ab9.sol >& securify.0x174bfa6600bf90c885c7c01c7031389ed1461ab9.txt 
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x5e07b6f1b98a11f7e04e7ffa8707b63f1c177753.sol >& securify.0x5e07b6f1b98a11f7e04e7ffa8707b63f1c177753.txt 
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0xbf5f8bfcee9502a30018d91c63eca66980e6e9bb.sol >& securify.0xbf5f8bfcee9502a30018d91c63eca66980e6e9bb.txt  
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0xd7cc16500d0b0ac3d0ba156a584865a43b0b0050.sol >& securify.0xd7cc16500d0b0ac3d0ba156a584865a43b0b0050.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x2e65e12b5f0fd1d58738c6f38da7d57f5f183d1c.sol >& securify.0x2e65e12b5f0fd1d58738c6f38da7d57f5f183d1c.txt  
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x931abd3732f7eada74190c8f89b46f8ba7103d54.sol >& securify.0x931abd3732f7eada74190c8f89b46f8ba7103d54.txt  
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0xcafe27178308351a12fffffdeb161d9d730da082.sol >& securify.0xcafe27178308351a12fffffdeb161d9d730da082.txt
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x5b8174e20996ec743f01d3b55a35dd376429c596.sol >& securify.0x5b8174e20996ec743f01d3b55a35dd376429c596.txt  
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0x999999c60566e0a78df17f71886333e1dace0bae.sol >& securify.0x999999c60566e0a78df17f71886333e1dace0bae.txt 
sudo docker run -it -v ECF_DIR/Top150Benchmarks:/share securify /share/0xd5dc8921a5c58fb0eba6db6b40eab40283dc3c01.sol >& securify.0xd5dc8921a5c58fb0eba6db6b40eab40283dc3c01.txt


Artifact for the paper "Taming Callbacks for Smart Contract Modularity"






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