A darker Solarized-inspired Lush Theme for neovim 0.8+ that uses the okhsl color space. The name references the oceanic hadopelagic zones to emphasize our preference of a darker background and a homage to the original choice of Solarized's blue.
The theme currently contains a single default palette. Each palette consists of eight accent colors and nine base tints
The underlying OkHSL hue values for the default palette are a varying set of hue values for a fixed lightness L=60 and saturation S=75.
Name | OkHSL | sRGB hex |
red | okhsl(025 75 60) | #e0645e |
orange | okhsl(055 75 60) | #cd7938 |
yellow | okhsl(110 75 60) | #969735 |
green | okhsl(140 75 60) | #61a452 |
cyan | okhsl(185 75 60) | #3aa499 |
blue | okhsl(245 75 60) | #4498d8 |
violet | okhsl(290 75 60) | #4498d8 |
magenta | okhsl(340 75 60) | #d859b5 |
dark0 | okhsl(220 25 07) | #081012 |
dark1 | okhsl(220 25 12) | #121d21 |
dark2 | okhsl(220 25 17) | #1c2a2e |
gray0 | okhsl(220 05 25) | #363b3c |
gray1 | okhsl(220 05 50) | #71787b |
gray2 | okhsl(220 05 75) | #b4babc |
light0 | okhsl(220 15 83) | #c4d2d7 |
light1 | okhsl(220 15 88) | #d5dfe3 |
light2 | okhsl(220 15 93) | #e6ecee |
With packer
, add
use { "shawnohare/hadalized.nvim", requires = { "rktjmp/lush.nvim" } }
Hadalized takes Solarized as an inspiration for the basic choices but diverges in a number of ways.
- Utilize the
colorspace with fixed lightness for colors palettes. - Dark bases have decreased lightness values.
- Bases are generally less saturated.
- Use 10 color palette with dim, bright, neutral and highlight variants.
- Orange is made more distinct from red.
- Yellow is less brown.
- Green is less yellow.
To build the explicit hadalized_[dark|light]
pure vimscript theme variants
open the shipwright_build.lua
file and execute :Shipwright