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shawnlaffan edited this page Mar 24, 2023 · 7 revisions

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Import Basedata - Step 4

(This is common to both data types)

Step 4 Re-order Columns window will appear. This allows you to arrange your labels and groups in the order you prefer.

In the example data set, placing “genus” above “species” produces labels named with the species name concatenated after the genus name, and placing “y” above “x” makes the “y” column data the first dimension of a group's coordinates and “x” the second (this is useful for a file where latitude precedes longitude in the file's column order).

Note: Once the data are imported and opened, the first group axis will be displayed along a horizontal axis and the second (if one exists) on a vertical axis. Biodiverse does not currently support a graphical view for more than two group axes, although they can still be imported and analysed. Any data set containing more than two axes will be displayed using the first two axes.

Click OK

Select label properties file

If the "set label and/or group properties and remap" option was selected as part of Step 2, the "Select label properties file" window will now appear. This allow you to select the element property table file and its respective parameters (one each for labels and groups if you selected both).


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