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shawnlaffan edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 431 revisions

Primary citation

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  • Laffan, S.W., Lubarsky, E. & Rosauer, D.F. (2010) Biodiverse, a tool for the spatial analysis of biological and related diversity. Ecography, 33, 643-647.

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Publications citing Biodiverse

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Publications using Biodiverse (or its ancestors)

Publications are listed in reverse chronological order by year, then by author within years.

in press/recent

  • delos Angeles MD, Radbouchoom S, Ngarega BK, Lapuz RS and Schneider H (2025) Spatial diversity and distribution of fern and lycophyte species in karst and non-karst landscapes towards conservation needs. Frontiers in Plant Science, 16, 1495796.

  • Martínez de León, R. and Moreno-Letelier, A. (2025) Spatiotemporal Diversification of Global Junipers: Traces of Niche Conservatism and Trait-Dependent Diversification. Ecology and Evolution, 15: e70910.

  • Zhao, S., Guo, Y., Zhao, X. (in press) Spatial mismatch between in-situ conservation and diversity hotspots of Chinese native useful vascular plants. Geography and Sustainability, 100252.


  • Torkkola, J., Hines, H., Chauvenet, A. and Oliver, P. (preprint) Are species richness and endemism hotspots correlated within a biome? A test case in the fire-impacted subtropical rainforests of Australia. Research Square.

  • Folk, R.A., Belitz, M.W., Siniscalchi, C.M., Kates, H.R., Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Guralnick, R.P., Borges, L.M. (preprint) Phylogenetic diversity and regionalization of root nodule symbiosis. bioRxiv 2023.09.08.556918.

  • Vieira-Alencar, J.P.S., Carmignotto, A.P., Sawaya, R.J., Silveira, L.F., Valdujo, P.H., Nogueira, C. (2024) Hotspot getting hotter: Increased knowledge on Tetrapod endemism, habitat loss and the plight of the Cerrado savannas, the most threatened savanna in the world. SSRN 5056902.


  • Gómez-Martínez, R.F., Matamoros, W.A., Hoagstrom, C.W., López-Vila, J.M. and Bonilla, E.P.D.d. (2025), Phylogenetic Diversity of Live-Bearing Fishes (Poeciliidae) Peaks on Peninsulas, Isthmuses, and in Deserts. Journal of Biogeography, 52, 641-656.

  • Saqib, S. et al. (2025) Identifying hotspots and climate drivers of alien plant species for conservation prioritization across the Pan-Himalaya. Biological Conservation, 302, 110994.


  • Aagesen, L., Salariato, D.L., Scataglini, M.A., Acosta, J.M., Denham, S.S. and Delfini, C. (2024), Spatial phylogenetics of grasses in the Southern Cone provides insights into ecology and evolution of the family in South America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 62, 1177-1192.

  • Ali, M., et al. (2024) A multifaceted approach to expanding conservation efforts in the Pan-Himalayan landscape. Journal of Cleaner Production, 476, 143783.

  • Aragón-Parada, J., Munguía-Lino, G., De-Nova, J.A., Carrillo-Reyes, P., Rodríguez, A. and Salinas-Rodríguez, M.M. (2024) Priority areas for conservation of the vascular flora in the Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico. Biota Neotropica, 24, e20241648.

  • Estrada-Sánchez, I., Espejo-Serna, A., García-Cruz, J. et al. (2024) Richness, distribution, and endemism of neotropical subtribe Ponerinae (Orchidaceae, Epidendreae). Brazilian Journal of Botany, 47, 501–517.

  • Flanagan, T., Shea, G.M., Roll, U., Tingley, R., Meiri, S. and Chapple, D.G. (2024), New data and taxonomic changes influence our understanding of biogeographic patterns: A case study in Australian skinks. Journal of Zoology, 323, 317-330.

  • Flores-Tolentino, M., Villaseñor, J.L., Ibarra-Manríquez, G., Rodríguez, R.R., Morales-Linares, J. & Dorado, Ó. (2024) The use of ecological niche models improves biogeographic regionalization of the Balsas Depression, Mexico. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35, e13261.

  • Folk, R.A., Maassoumi, A.A., Siniscalchi, C.M., Kates, H.R., Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Belitz, M.B. and Guralnick, R.P. (2024), Phylogenetic diversity and regionalization in the temperate arid zone. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 62, 1201-1217.

  • Folk, R. A., Siniscalchi, C. M., Doby, J., Kates, H. R., Manchester, S. R., Soltis, P. S., Soltis, D. E., Guralnick, R. P., & Belitz, M. (2024). Spatial phylogenetics of Fagales: Investigating drivers of temperate forest distributions. Journal of Biogeography, 51, 1518-1532.

  • González-Orozco, C. E., Reyes-Herrera, P. H., Sosa, C. C., Torres, R. T., Manrique-Carpintero, N. C., Lasso-Paredes, Z., Cerón-Souza, I. and Yockteng, R. (2024). Wild relatives of potato (Solanum L. sec. Petota) poorly sampled and unprotected in Colombia. Crop Science, 64, 225-243.

  • Hazzi, N. and Hormiga, G. 2024. Systematics, distribution patterns and historical biogeography of the Central America wandering spider genus Kiekie Polotow & Brescovit, 2018 (Araneae: Ctenidae). PeerJ, 12:e17242.

  • Kherlenchimeg, N., Burenbaatar, G., Baasanmunkh, S. et al. (2024) Improved Understanding of the Macrofungal Diversity of Mongolia: Species Richness, Conservation Status, and An Annotated Checklist. Mycobiology, 52, 13-29.

  • Li, Y., Liu, F., Zhou, Y. et al. (2024) Large-scale geographic patterns and environmental and anthropogenic drivers of wetland plant diversity in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24, 74.

  • López-Pérez, J.D., Zamudio, S., Munguía-Lino, G. & Rodríguez, A. (2024) Species richness, geographic distribution and endemism of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) in the Mexican Transition Zone. Phytotaxa, 641, 31-46.

  • Machado, V. R., Pereira, M. J. R., Tirelli, F. P., Bennet, D., & Ferrari, A. (2024). Endemism and regionalization of Neotropical mammals: a multi-taxon analysis. Journal of Mammalogy, gyae055.

  • Mikryukov, V., Abarenkov, K., Laffan, S. et al. (2024) PhyloNext: a pipeline for phylogenetic diversity analysis of GBIF-mediated data. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24, 76.

  • Omollo, W.O., Rabarijaona, R.N., Ranaivoson, R.M., Rakotoarinivo, M., Barrett, R.L., et al. (2024) Spatial heterogeneity of neo- and paleo-endemism for plants in Madagascar. Current Biology, 34, 1271-1283.e4.

  • Pérez-Aragón M, Escribano R, Rivera R, Hidalgo P (2024) Biodiversity patterns of epipelagic copepods in the South Pacific Ocean: Strengths and limitations of current data bases. PLOS ONE 19, e0306440.

  • Pinedo-Escatel, J.A., Dietrich, C.H., Aragon-Parada, J. (2024). Natural History Collections as Resources for Assessing Biodiversity Hotspots and Insect Declines: Case Studies, Opportunities, and Challenges. pp275–299 in León-Cortés, J.L., Córdoba-Aguilar, A. (eds) Insect Decline and Conservation in the Neotropics. Springer, Cham.

  • Pio-Leon, J.F., Munguia-Lino, G, Gonzalez-Gallegos, J.G. and Gonzalez-Elizondo, M. (2024) Priority areas for conservation based on endemic vascular plant species and their biocultural attributes: a case study in Sinaloa, Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, 95, e955446.

  • Radbouchoom, S., delos Angeles, M. D., Phutthai, T. & Schneider, H. (2024) Towards zero extinction—a case study focusing on the plant genus Begonia in Thailand. Integrative Conservation, 3, 244-256.

  • Ruiz-Flores, S. I. and A. Castro-Castro. 2024. Distribución, riqueza, endemismo y conservación del género Dasylirion (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae). Acta Botanica Mexicana, 131, e2367.

  • Qian, H., Mishler, B.D., Zhang, J. and Qian, S. (2024) Global patterns and ecological drivers of taxonomic and phylogenetic endemism in angiosperm genera. Plant Diversity, 46, 149-157.

  • Revollo-Cadima, S.G. and Salazar-Bravo, J. (2024) Identifying areas of conservation importance based on spatial patterns of evolutionary diversity for non-volant small mammals in the Andean Puna. Journal of Arid Environments, 224, 105230.

  • Rodríguez, A., López-Pérez, H.D. and Munguía-Lino, G. (2024) A New Species of Tigridia and Species Richness and Endemism Distribution of the Tribe Tigridieae (Iridaceae) in the Sierra Madre Del Sur, Mexico. Systematic Botany, 49, 295-317.

  • Sánchez-Romero, A., & Aragón-Parada, J. (2024). Species richness, endemism and extinction risk evaluation of genus Bursera (Burseraceae) in the Baja California Peninsula. Botanical Sciences, 102, 796-811.

  • Sandoval-Mata, T. N., Hernández-Sandoval, L., Munguía-Lino, G., Steinmann, V. W., & Delgado-Salinas, A. (2024). Regionalization of the Chihuahuan Desert province based on the distribution of Dalea species (Fabaceae). Botanical Sciences, 102, 975-994.

  • Saqibi, S., Liu, Y., Ye, J., Omollo, W.O. et al. (2024) Identifying conservation priority areas using spatial phylogenetic approaches in West Himalaya. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 56.

  • Urgamal, M., et al. (2024) Species distribution diversity and conservation assessment of Apiaceae in Mongolia. Plants, 13, 2635.

  • Volis, S., Depalle, F., Khassanov, F., Yusupov, Z. and Deng, T. (2024) Oncocyclus irises: phylogeny, evolutionary history and revised taxonomy based on complete chloroplast genome sequences Plant Diversity of Central Asia, 3, 1-66.

  • Volis, S. and Tojibaev, K. (2024) Comparison of maps of species richness and endemism produced directly from species occurrences with those produced by stacked species distribution modelling. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 70, 84–93.

  • Wang, G.-Q., Scherson, R.A., Vera, D., Bai, Y.-H., Wen, J., Guo, L.-Y., Hughes, A.C. and Wang, H.-F. (2024), Spatial patterns and drivers of native plant diversity in Hainan, China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 62, 603-620.

  • Yao, R., Gao, J., Heinrich, M., Yu, S., Xue, T., et al. (2024) Medicinal plants used by minority ethnic groups in China: Taxonomic diversity and conservation needs. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 334, 118573.


  • Aragón-Parada, J., Carrillo-Reyes, P., Rodríguez, A., Munguía-Lino, G., Salinas-Rodríguez, M. M. and De-Nova, J. A. (2023) Spatial phylogenetics of the flora in the Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico: Evolutionary puzzles in tropical mountains. Journal of Biogeography, 50, 1679-1691.

  • Copilaș-Ciocianu, D., Sidorov, D., & Šidagytė-Copilas, E. (2023). Global distribution and diversity of alien Ponto-Caspian amphipods. Biological Invasions, 25, 179-195.

  • de Pedro, D., Ceccarelli, F.S., Vandame, R. et al. (2023) Congruence between species richness and phylogenetic diversity in North America for the bee genus Diadasia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biodiversity and Conservation, 32, 4445–4459.

  • Dlamini, W.M.D. and Loffler, L. (2023). Tree Species Diversity and Richness Patterns Reveal High Priority Areas for Conservation in Eswatini. In: Dhyani, S., Adhikari, D., Dasgupta, R., Kadaverugu, R. (eds) Ecosystem and Species Habitat Modeling for Conservation and Restoration. Springer, Singapore.

  • Erst, A.S., Baasanmunkh, S., Tsegmed, Z. et al. (2023) Hotspot and conservation gap analysis of endemic vascular plants in the Altai Mountain Country based on a new global conservation assessment. Global Ecology and Conservation, 47, e02647

  • Fernandes, N.B.G., Moraes, A.M. and Milward-de-Azevedo, M.A. (2023) Diversity of the Passiflora L. in the Serra do Mar ecoregion and the relationships with environmental gradients, South and Southeast, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilia, 37, e20220314.

  • Flores-Argüelles, A., López-Ferrari, A.R., & Espejo-Serna, A. (2023). Geographic distribution and endemism of Bromeliaceae from the Western Sierra-Coast region of Jalisco, Mexico. Botanical Sciences, 101, 527-543.

  • Flores-Tolentino, M. et al. (2023). Delimitación geográfica y florística de la provincia fisiográfica de la Depresión del Balsas, México, con énfasis en el bosque tropical estacionalmente seco. Revista mexicana de biodiversidad, 94, e944985.

  • Francisco-Gutiérrez, A., Eduardo Ruiz-Sanchez, E. and Lira-Noriega, A. (2023) Biogeography and conservation assessments of the species of Lamourouxia (Orobanchaceae). Acta Botanica Mexicana 130: e2213.

  • González-Orozco, C.E. (2023) Unveiling evolutionary cradles and museums of flowering plants in a neotropical biodiversity hotspot. Royal Society Open Science, 10230917230917.

  • González-Orozco, C.E., Diaz-Giraldo, R.A. and Rodriguez-Castañeda, C. (2023) An early warning for better planning of agricultural expansion and biodiversity conservation in the Orinoco high plains of Colombia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7.

  • González-Orozco, C., Osorio-Guarín, J., & Yockteng, R. (2023). Phylogenetic diversity of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) genotypes in Colombia. Plant Genetic Resources, 20, 203-214.

  • González-Orozco, C.E. & Parra-Quijano, M. (2023) Comparing species and evolutionary diversity metrics to inform conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 29, 224-231.

  • Guo, WY., Serra-Diaz, J.M., Eiserhardt, W.L. et al. (2023) Climate change and land use threaten global hotspots of phylogenetic endemism for trees. Nature Communications, 14, 6950.

  • Mardones, D. and Scherson, R.A. (2023) Hotspots within a hotspot: evolutionary measures unveil interesting biogeographic patterns in threatened coastal forests in Chile. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 202, 433–448.

  • McCurry, M.R., Park, T., Coombs, E.J. Hart, L.J., Laffan, S. (2023) Latitudinal gradients in the skull shape and assemblage structure of delphinoid cetaceans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 138, 470-480.

  • Miller, J.T., Prentice, E., Bui, E.N., Knerr, N., Mishler, B.D., Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N., González-Orozco, C.E., Laffan, S. W. (2023). Banksia (Proteaceae) contains less phylogenetic diversity than expected in Southwestern Australia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 61, 957-966.

  • Molina-Paniagua, M.E., Alves de Melo, P.H., Ramírez-Barahona, S., Monro, A.K., Burelo-Ramos, C.M., Gómez-Domínguez, H., et al. (2023) How diverse are the mountain karst forests of Mexico? PLoS ONE 18, e0292352.

  • Nicolau, G.K. and Edwards, S. (2023) Diversity and endemism of Southern African Gekkonids linked with the escarpment has implications for conservation priorities. Diversity, 15, 306.

  • Ortiz-Brunel J.P., Ochoterena H., Moore M.J., Aragón-Parada J., Flores J., Munguía-Lino G., Rodríguez A., Salinas-Rodríguez M.M. and Flores-Olvera H. (2023) Patterns of Richness and Endemism in the Gypsicolous Flora of Mexico. Diversity, 15, 522.

  • Ramírez-Verdugo, P., Tapia, A., Forest, F. and Scherson, R.A. (2023) Evolutionary diversity of the endemic genera of the vascular flora of Chile and its implications for conservation. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0287957.

  • Ruiz-Sanchez, E., Munguía-Lino, G., Pianissola, E.M., Ely, F. and Clark, L.G. (2023) Richness and endemism in Chusquea subg. Swallenochloa (Poaceae), a Neotropical subgenus adapted to temperate conditions. Phytotaxa, 609, 180-194.

  • Villaseñor, J. L., Ortiz, E., & Hernández-Flores, M. M. (2023). The vascular plant species endemic or nearly endemic to Puebla, Mexico. Botanical Sciences, 101, 1207-1221.

  • Wang, C., Zhu, S., Jiang, X., Chen, S., Xiao, Y., Zhao, Y., Yan, Y. and Wen, Y. (2023) Spatio-temporal variation of species richness and phylogenetic diversity patterns for spring ephemeral plants in northern China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 48, e02752.

  • Ye, C. et al. (2023) Geographical distribution and conservation strategy of national key protected wild plants of China. iScience, 26, 107364.

  • Zhang, H., Chen, S.-C., Bonser, S.P., Hitchcock, T., & Moles, A.T. (2023). Factors that shape large-scale gradients in clonality. Journal of Biogeography, 50, 827-837

  • Zhou, R., Ci, X., Hu, J., Zhang, X., Cao, G., Xiao, J., Liu, Z., Li, L., Thornhill, A.H., Conran, J.G. and Li, J. (2023) Transitional areas of vegetation as biodiversity hotspots evidenced by multifaceted biodiversity analysis of a dominant group in Chinese evergreen broad-leaved forests. Ecological Indicators, 147, 110001


  • Amaral, D.T., Bonatelli, I.A.S., Romeiro-Brito, M., Moraes, E.M. and Franco, F.F. (2022) Spatial patterns of evolutionary diversity in Cactaceae show low ecological representation within protected areas. Biological Conservation, 273, 109677.

  • Ávila-González, H., González-Gallegos, J.G., Munguía-Lino, G. & Castro-Castro, A. (2022) The genus Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) in Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: A new species, richness and distribution. Systematic Botany, 47, 319-334.

  • Carter, B. E., Misiewicz, T. M. & Mishler, B. D. (2022). Spatial phylogenetic patterns in the North American moss flora are shaped by history and climate. Journal of Biogeography, 49, 1327-1338.

  • Chen, K., Khine, P.K., Yang, Z. and Schneider, H. (2022) Historical plant records enlighten the conservation efforts of ferns and Lycophytes’ diversity in tropical China, Journal for Nature Conservation, 68, 126197.

  • Contreras-Medina, R., García-Martínez, A. I., Ramírez-Martínez, J. C., Espinosa, D., Balam-Narváez, R., and Luna-Vega, I. (2021). Biogeographic analysis of ferns and lycophytes in Oaxaca: A Mexican beta-diverse area. Botanical Sciences, 100, 204-222.

  • Fernandes, N.B.G., de Menezes Yazbeck, G. & Milward-de-Azevedo, M.A. (2022) Taxonomic diversity of Passifloraceae sensu stricto along altitudinal gradient and on Serra dos Órgãos mountain slopes in southeastern Brazil. Rodriguésia, 73, e00702021.

  • Gosper C.R., Percy-Bower J.M., Byrne M., Llorens T.M. & Yates C.J. (2022) Distribution, Biogeography and Characteristics of the Threatened and Data-Deficient Flora in the Southwest Australian Floristic Region. Diversity, 14, 493.

  • Griffiths, D. (2022). Do the drivers and levels of isolation in fish faunas differ across Atlantic and Pacific drainages in the Americas? Journal of Biogeography, 49, 930-941.

  • Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, B.E., Guevara, R., Angulo, D.F. et al. (2022) Ecological niches, endemism and conservation of the species in Selenicereus (Hylocereeae, Cactaceae). Brazilian Journal of Botany, 45, pages 1149–1160.

  • Gutiérrez–Rodríguez, B.E., Vásquez–Cruz, M. and Sosa, V. (2022) Phylogenetic endemism of the orchids of Megamexico reveals complementary areas for conservation. Plant Diversity, 44, 351-359.

  • Kong, H., Condamine, F.L., Yang, L., Harris, A.J., Feng, C., Wen, F. and Kang, M. (in press) Phylogenomic and macroevolutionary evidence for an explosive radiation of a plant genus in the Miocene. Systematic Biology, 71, 589–609.

  • Moreira-Muñoz, A, Palchetti, V.A., Morales-Fierro, V., Duval, V.S., Allesch-Villalobos, R., & González-Orozco, C.E. (2022) Diversity and Conservation Gap Analysis of the Solanaceae of Southern South America. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

  • Murillo-Pérez, G., Rodríguez, A., Sánchez-Carbajal, D., Ruiz-Sanchez, E., Carrillo-Reyes, P., Munguía-Lino, G. (2022) Spatial distribution of species richness and endemism of Solanum (Solanaceae) in Mexico. Phytotaxa 558, 147–177

  • Olivares-Juárez, M.I., Burgos-Hernández, M. and Santiago-Alvarádo, M. (2022) Patterns of Species Richness and Distribution of the Genus Laelia s.l. vs. Laelia s.s. (Laeliinae: Epidendroideae: Orchidaceae) in Mexico: Taxonomic Contribution and Conservation Implications. Plants, 11:2742.

  • Paz, A., Silva, A.S. & Carnaval, A. (2022) A framework for near-real time monitoring of diversity patterns based on indirect remote sensing, with an application in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. PeerJ, 10:e13534.

  • Rivera-Martínez, R., Ramírez-Morillo, I.M., De-Nova, José A., Carnevali, G., Pinzón, J.P., Romero-Soler, K.J. & Raigoza, N. (2022) Spatial phylogenetics in Hechtioideae (Bromeliaceae) reveals recent diversification and dispersal. Botanical Sciences, 100, 692-709.

  • Silva, D.C., Oliveira, H.F.M., Zangrandi, P.L. and Domingos, F.M.C.B. (2022) Flying Over Amazonian Waters: The Role of Rivers on the Distribution and Endemism Patterns of Neotropical Bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:774083.

  • Wang, Q., Huang, J., Zang, R., Li, Z. and El-Kassaby, Y. A. (2022). Centres of neo- and paleo-endemism for Chinese woody flora and their environmental features. Biological Conservation, 276, 109817.

  • Yang, X., Qin, F., Xue, T., Xia, C., Gadagkar, S. R., & Yu, S. (2022). Insights into plant biodiversity conservation in large river valleys in China: A spatial analysis of species and phylogenetic diversity. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8940.

  • Yang, X., Zhang, W., Qin, F., et al. (2022). Biodiversity priority areas and conservation strategies for seed plants in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 962609.

  • Zhang, W., Bussmann, R.W., Li, J., Liu, B., Xue, T., Yang, X., Qin, F., Liu, H. and Yu, S. (2022) Biodiversity hotspots and conservation efficiency of a large drainage basin: Distribution patterns of species richness and conservation gaps analysis in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Conservation Science and Practice, 4, e12653.

  • Zhang, Y., Qian, L., Chen, X., Sun, L., Sun, H. and Chen, J. (2022) Diversity patterns of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: a basic study for future conservation efforts on alpine ecosystems. Plant Diversity, 44, 231-242.

  • Zhang, X.X, Ye, J.F., Laffan, S.W., Mishler, B.D., Thornhill, A.H., Lu, L.M. et al. (2022) Spatial phylogenetics of the Chinese angiosperm flora provides insights into endemism and conservation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 64, 105-117.

  • Zhao, R., Xu, S., Song, P., Zhou, X, Zhang, Y. and Yuan, Y. (2022) Distribution patterns of medicinal plant diversity and their conservation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21385.


  • Anguiano-Constante, M.A., Dean, E., Starbuck, T., Rodríguez, A. And Munguía-Lino, G. (2021) Diversity, species richness distribution and centers of endemism of Lycianthes (Capsiceae, Solanaceae) in Mexico. Phytotaxa, 514, 39-60.

  • Bartoli, F., Iocchi, M. and Lucchese, F. (2021) Spatial phylogenetic diversity of pteridophytes in Latium (Central Italy): a tool for conservation planning at regional scale. Flora Mediterranea, 31 Special Issue, 297-315.

  • Bharti, D.K., Edgecombe, G.D., Karanth, K.P. and Joshi, J. (2021) Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity and endemism in the Western Ghats, India: A case study using ancient predatory arthropods. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16499-16513.

  • Camacho, G.P., Loss, A.C., Fisher, B.L., Blaimer, B.B. (2021) Spatial phylogenomics of acrobat ants in Madagascar—Mountains function as cradles for recent diversity and endemism. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 1706-1719.

  • Cheikh Albassatneh, M., Escudero, M., Monnet, A‐C., et al. (2021) Spatial patterns of genus‐level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 27, 913– 928.

  • Earl, C., Belitz, M.W., Laffan, S.W., Barve, V., Barve, N., Soltis, D.E., Allen, J.M., Soltis, P.S., Mishler, B.D., Kawahara, A.Y., & Guralnick, R. (2021) Spatial phylogenetics of butterflies in relation to environmental drivers and angiosperm diversity across North America. iScience, 102239.

  • Flores-Tolentino M., Beltrán-Rodríguez L., Morales-Linares J., et al. (2021) Biogeographic regionalization by spatial and environmental components: Numerical proposal. PLoS ONE 16, e0253152.

  • Furtado, S.G. and Menini Neto, L. (2021) What is the role of topographic heterogeneity and climate on the distribution and conservation of vascular epiphytes in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest? Biodiversity and Conservation, 30, 1415–1431.

  • Garcia-Rodriguez, A., Luna-Vega, I., Yáñez-Ordóñez, O., Ramírez-Martínez, J.C., Espinosa, D., and Contreras-Medina, R. (2021). Patrones de Distribución de las Abejas del Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental, México. Southwestern Entomologist, 46, 1021-1036.

  • González-Orozco, C.E. (2021) Biogeographical regionalisation of Colombia: a revised area taxonomy. Phytotaxa, 484, 3.

  • González-Orozco, C.E. (2021) Regiones biogeográficas del género Cinchona L. (Rubiaceae- Cinchoneae). Revista Novedades Colombianas, 16, 135-156.

  • González-Orozco, C. E., Sosa, C. C., Thornhill, A. H., and Laffan, S. W. (2021). Phylogenetic diversity and conservation of crop wild relatives in Colombia. Evolutionary Applications, 14, 2603-2617.

  • Gosper, C.R., Coates, D.J., Hopper, S.D., Byrne, M., Yates, C.J. (2021) The role of landscape history in the distribution and conservation of threatened flora in the Southwest Australian Floristic Region. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133, 394–410.

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  • Sanginés-Franco, C., Luna-Vega, I., Contreras-Medina, R., Espinosa, D., Tejero-Díez, J.D and Rivas G. (2015) Diversity, endemism and conservation of ferns (Polypodiales) in the Mexican Mountain Component. Journal of Mountain Science, 12, 891-904.

  • Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N., Knerr, N.J., Miller, J.T and Mishler, B.D. (2015) Phylogenetic diversity and endemism of Australian daisies (Asteraceae). Journal of Biogeography, 42, 1114–1122.

  • Stephenson, R.L., Power, M.J., Laffan, S.W. and Suthers, I.M. (2015) Tests of larval retention in a tidally energetic environment reveal the complexity of the spatial structure in herring populations. Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 553-570.


  • Bui, E.N., González-Orozco, C.E. and Miller, J.T. (2014) Acacia, climate, and geochemistry in Australia. Plant and Soil, 381, 161-175.

  • Carnaval, A., Waltari, E., Rodrigues, M., Rosauer, D., VanDerWal, J., Damasceno, R., Prates, I., Strangas, M., Spanos, Z., Rivera, D.,Pie, M., Firkowski, C., Bornschein, M., Ribeiro, L. & Moritz, C. (2014) Prediction of phylogeographic endemism in an environmentally complex biome. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281, 20141461.

  • Di Virgilio, G. & Laffan, S.W. (2014) Using maps of continuous variation in species compositional turnover to supplement uniform polygon species range maps. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28, 1658-1673.

  • Di Virgilio, G., Laffan, S.W., Ebach, M.C. & Chapple, D.G. (2014) Spatial variation in the climatic predictors of species compositional turnover and endemism. Ecology and Evolution, 4, 3264–3278.

  • Fenker, J., Tedeschi, L.G., Pyron, R.A. and Nogueira, C. de C. (2014) Phylogenetic diversity, habitat loss and conservation in South American pitvipers (Crotalinae: Bothrops and Bothrocophias). Diversity and Distributions, 20, 1108–1119.

  • González-Orozco, C.E., Ebach, M.C., Laffan, S.W., Thornhill, A.H., Knerr, N., Schmidt-Lebuhn, A., Cargill, C.C., Clements, M., Nagalingum, N., Mishler, B.D. & Miller, J.T. (2014) Quantifying phytogeographical regions of Australia using geospatial turnover in species composition. PLoS One, 9, e92558.

  • González-Orozco, C.E., Thornhill, A.H., Knerr, N., Laffan, S.W. & Miller, J.T. (2014) Biogeographical regions and phytogeography of the eucalypts. Diversity and Distributions, 20, 46-58.

  • Kooyman, R.M., Wilf, P., Barreda, V.D., Carpenter, R.J., Jordan, G.J., Sniderman, J.M.K., Allen, A., Brodribb, T.J., Crayn, D., Feild, T.S., Laffan, S.W., Lusk, C., Rossetto, M. & Weston, P. (2014) Paleo-Antarctic Rainforest into the Modern Old World Tropics: the Rich Past and Threatened Future of the "Southern Wet Forest Survivors". American Journal of Botany, 101, 2121-2135.

  • Loader, S.P., Ceccarelli, F.S., Menegon, M., Howell, K.M., Kassahun, R., Mengistu, A.A., Saber, S.A., Gebresenbet, F., Sá, R., Davenport, T.R.B., Larson, J.G., Müller, H., Wilkinson, M. and Gower, D.J. (2014) Persistence and stability of Eastern Afromontane forests: evidence from brevicipitid frogs. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 1781–1792.

  • Mendoza, A.M. and Arita, H.T. (2014) Priority setting by sites and by species using rarity, richness and phylogenetic diversity: the case of neotropical glassfrogs (Anura: Centrolenidae) Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 909-926.

  • Mishler, B.D., Knerr, N., González-Orozco, C.E., Thornhill, A.H., Laffan, S.W. & Miller, J.T. (2014) Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity and neo- and paleo-endemism in Australian Acacia. Nature Communications, 5, 4473.

  • Nagalingum, N.S., Knerr, N., Mishler, B.D. and D.C. Cargill (2014) Overlapping fern and bryophyte hotspots: assessing ferns as a predictor of bryophyte diversity. Telopea, 17, 383–392.

  • Perales, H. and Golicher, D. (2014) Mapping the Diversity of Maize Races in Mexico. PLoS ONE 9): e114657.

  • Rosauer, D.F., Ferrier, S., Williams, K.J., Manion, G, Keogh, S & Laffan, S.W. (2014) Phylogenetic Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling: a new approach to analysing and predicting spatial turnover in the phylogenetic composition of communities. Ecography, 37, 21-32.

  • Weber, L.C., VanDerWal, J., Schmidt, S., McDonald, W.J.F. & Shoo, L.P. (2014) Patterns of rain forest plant endemism in subtropical Australia relate to stable mesic refugia and species dispersal limitations. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 222-238.


  • Bitencourt, C. & Rapinia, A. (2013) Centres of Endemism in the Espinhaço Range: identifying cradles and museums of Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae). Systematics and Biodiversity, 11, 525-536.

  • Di Virgilio, G., Laffan, S.W. & Ebach, M.C. (2013) Quantifying high resolution transitional breaks in plant and mammal distributions at regional extent and their association with climate, topography and geology. PLoS ONE, 8, e59227.

  • González-Orozco, C.E., Laffan, S.W., Knerr, N. & Miller, J.T. (2013) A biogeographic regionalisation of Australian Acacia species. Journal of Biogeography, 40, 2156-2166.

  • Kooyman, R.M., Rossetto, M., Sauquet, H. & Laffan, S.W. (2013) Landscape Patterns in Rainforest Phylogenetic Signal: Isolated Islands of Refugia or Structured Continental Distributions? PLoS One 8, e80685

  • Laffan, S.W., Ramp, D. & Roger, E. (2013) Using endemism to assess representation of protected areas – the family Myrtaceae in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Journal of Biogeography, 40, 570-578.


  • Amboni, M. & Laffan, S.W. (2012) The effect of species range estimation methods on richness and phylogenetic diversity estimates: A comparison of four methods using Australian marsupials. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, 2097-2109.

  • Burley, H.M., Laffan, S.W., & Williams, K.J. (2012) Spatial non-stationarity and anisotropy of compositional turnover in eastern Australian Myrtaceae species. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, 2065-2081.

  • Di Virgilio, G., Laffan, S.W. & Ebach, M.C. (2012) Fine scale quantification of floral and faunal breaks and their geographic correlates, with an example from south-eastern Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 39, 1862-1876.

  • González-Orozco, C.E., Brown, A.H.D., Knerr, N., Miller, J.T. & Doyle, J.J. (2012) Hotspots of diversity of wild Australian soybean relatives and their conservation in situ. Conservation Genetics, 13, 1269-1281.

  • Ribeiro, P.L., Rapini, A, Silva, U.C.S., Konno, T.U.P., Damascena, L.S & van den Berg, C. (2012) Spatial analyses of the phylogenetic diversity of Minaria (Apocynaceae): assessing priority areas for conservation in the Espinhaço Range, Brazil. Systematics and Biodiversity, 10, 317-331.

  • Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N., Knerr, N.J., González-Orozco, C.E. (2012) Distorted perception of the spatial distribution of plant diversity through uneven collecting efforts: the example of Asteraceae in Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 39, 2072-2080.

  • Stevenson, L.A., González-Orozco, C.E., Knerr, N., Cargill, D.C., Miller, J.T. (2012) Species richness and endemism of Australian bryophytes. Journal of Bryology, 34, 101-107.

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