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Mathias Goeppel edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Provides a list of all zones forming the car2go operating area for a given location like ulm or austin in KML format. KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile. More information about KML can be found here: KML Reference at


Name Mandatory Description
loc true Location identifier string of the user's home location, e.g. "ulm", "austin".
oauth_consumer_key true Your assigned oauth consumer key
format false Defines response format. Value "json" => JSON format, otherwise XML format is used.
callback false Defines JSONP (JSON with Padding) callback function used as wrapper.
test false Has currently no effect.

Request Examples



The response is provided as KML file which defines a placemark tag for each zone contained in the operating area. The placemark has a name and is styled according to its zoneType:

  • included - zones included in the operating area
  • excluded - zones excluded from the operating area (no parking allowed)
  • parking - zone is a dedicated car2go parking spot

Response Examples

 <kml xmlns:ns3="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0" xmlns:ns2=""
 		<description>CAR2GO Operation Area</description>
 		<Style id="car2go_excluded">
 		<Style id="car2go_included">
 		<Style id="car2go_parking_spot">
 			<name>a zone</name>
 		        <Data name="zoneType">
 				<coordinates>10.02739,48.458917,0 10.02739,48.468917,0 10.041390000000002,48.468917,0 10.041390000000002,48.458917,0</coordinates>
A JSON response example:
 {"placemarks":[{"coordinates":[10.02739,48.458916,0,10.02739,48.468918,0],"name":"a zone","zoneType":"excluded"}]}


Return Codes

The following return codes may occur:

Code Description Note
0 Operation successful.

(c) 2010 car2go GmbH. All rights reserved. Generated 30.10.15 17:17