This is an overview of a NFT minting dapp on Shardeum.
Here's the Tutorial Video --> Video Link
- React
- Ethers
- Hardhat
- Solidity
- Pinata
- Material UI
- Webpack
- Connect Wallet & See Wallet address & balance
- Upload Images/Jpeg/Videos directly to IPFS before minting
- Mint on Shardeum Testnet
- Intuitive UI statuses for minting
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- In .env and add the values
- Compile and Deploy the Contract
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sphinx
- Add the contract address in connectWallet.js
const contractAddress = "";
- Generate API keys from Pinata and add them in ipfsUploader.js
const pinataApiKey = "";
const pinataSecretApiKey = "";
- Run the app
npm start