Plane Fight game using OpenGL and C++. This is a simple game where the player has to shoot the opponent. There is also dual player mode. The animation of armstice is also done using OpenGL transformation functions.
- a - to move left
- d - to move right
- w/SPACE - to shoot
PLAYER 2: - <- - to move left
- -> - to move right
- left mouse click - to shoot
Dependencies : freeglut, stb
For Fedora : yum install freeglut-devel
For Ubuntu : sudo apt install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev
cmd to build(for linux) : make -f Makefile
cmd to build(for windows): make -f
Here I have used gluPerspective for the projection matrix which helps to see the near objects bigger and far objects smaller.
Terrain is implemented using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and choosing random z value for the appearance of uneven surface. Textures have been added for realistic view. To Load the image to texture stb_image library is used.
OpenGL timer functions are used to update the positions to the objects in the scene and to provide slow movement to the objects. The C++ STL i.e lists are used to store the co ordinates of the objects in the scene.
GLLight is used to give lighting and shading to the scene. By using lighting we can change the theme from day to night and vice versa. GL_AMBIENT, GL_SPECULAR and GL_DIFFUSE are used to set the type to material which behave differently to light.
freeglut is window creating library which is used to handle window related options. It is used to create menus, add KeyboardFunc and MouseFunc.
If you clicked War the above screen appears. You can right click to start the game.