React Native WebView wrapper for
To setup your local environment follow the react-native environment setup and selecting "React Native CLI Quickstart"
It is simpler to install CocoaPods via brew rather than using Ruby.
`brew install cocoapods`
v3- Android Studio / Xcode
To install yarn
v3, run
corepack enable
corepack prepare yarn@3 --activate
run yarn
to install dependencies
To debug the webview:
- Run metro and the build for iOS / Android (see iOS and Android sections below)
- Run
and click "Inspect" on the remote target
Tested with Xcode 13.4 on macOS 12.5. You will also need CocoaPods installed
- Copy .env file
cp .env.template .env
- Start Metro
yarn start
# add --reset-cache to wipe metro cache (required for .env changes)
- Start the app
cd ios
pod install
yarn ios
# add --device 'iPhone' (replacing iPhone with your device name) to run on device. add --simulator 'iPhone 14' to specify iPhone 14 simulator. xcode also has these capabilities
Currently we are manually building an archive in xCode to distribute the app.
- Open xCode and open the ios/ folder. You must open the folder and not the project files. If you dont see 2 projects in the file explorer (shapeshift and Pods) you haven't opened the directly correctly
- Ensure you are signed in to your developer account that has access to the Shapeshift Apple Store account (Xcode -> preferences -> Accounts)
- Select any iOS device as the target
- Select Product > Archive to create the app archive.
- If your archive builds correctly it will walk you through pushing this to the app store from there.
Run web on your local machine as usual
install ngrok
brew install ngrok
- Create a free account here and obtain your auth token
- Configure ngrok with your token
ngrok config add-authtoken YOUR_TOKEN
- run ngrok, note the public
domain listed
ngrok http 3000 # substitute port if necessary
- Modify
to point the WebView at the ngrok endpoint created above
SHAPESHIFT_URI= # example ngrok domain
- Run the app on your device from Xcode or use the yarn script:
yarn ios:device
for now, the above runs node_modules/.bin/react-native run-ios --device 'iPhone'
- substitute the name of your device for iPhone
- you may need to kill and reload the app after it's been completely loaded to get it to source content from metro
- you may need to remove the line
in the useKeepAliveHook if the device has trouble downloading bundle.js before getting whacked. - you will need to manually add your ngrok domain to the
to prevent opening in a browser. dev flag/mode? - as of 10/6: in your local web, move the entire contents of
out of their normal place and full restart web (yarn dev)
Requires Android Studio. Follow the React Native Android setup instructions first.
Note: by default the android virtual device configured in Android Studio is under resourced. Increasing the RAM and Internal Storage may be required to succesffully run the app.
If you see an error like the following, please attempt to increase the resources on the virtual device
error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up: Error: Command failed: ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081 Unable to install .../mobile-app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk Unknown failure: Exception occurred while executing 'install': android.os.ParcelableException: Requested internal only, but not enough space
yarn android
You will need to obtain signing artifacts from someone in order to push builds.
- Once you have successfully set up android studio per the documentation above you can proceed. Make sure you have opened the ./android folder as the root.
- In android studio, select Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK
- Select Android App Bundle and select the keystore you have obtained
- Select a
release build
and click Finish.