autoinsight is a UI automation library for window. It is aim to provide simplified workflow to the automation developers to help them create an easy to maintain and robust test scripts.
It is focus on Windows in the recent releases. It will be migrate to Linux in the future.
- Donate
- Contribute code
- Documentation
OS Window
Python 3.10+ 32/64 bit
Install Google Tesseract 32/64 bit tesseract wiki
Add tesseract.exe into the system environment variable PATH
Install pywin32 pywin32 release
- Install with pip
$ pip install autoinsight
from autoinsight import Button, WindowOS
def demo():
camera = WindowOS().launchApp("camera")
Button("take photo").click()
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Setup
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Install Google Tesseract OCR
Windows prebuilt package
- Run all test
$ nose2
- validate code syntax before commit
$ flake8
- Install the build dependency
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ python -m build
- Run unit test on local machine before push to the repository
$ nose2
- Create a new test module with add the to a new folder under the ./tests
- Name the test file with test_*.py
- Make sure each test case inherit from the unittest.TestCase
- Test
- Follow syntax of the Sphinx project
0.0.1 [Current version 0.0.8]
- Init the project
Basic windows UI automation features
Basic image based identification features
Keyboard mouse handling etc.
In the first version it will be built like a glue to the existing automation libraries like pywinauto, pyautogui etc.
Action logging
Screen recording
Support Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge interoperation
OS interoperation
Driver interoperation
Integrate with image identification and computer vision
- Integrate with machine learning identification
- Integrate other browsers
- Add mobile support
- Integrate with cloud ML APIs
- Support NLP script
- Add GUI
- Support record and replay
- Support game automation
- Integrate with other AI solutions