Hi! I'm Shalane! Check out my portfolio site!
I'm a passionate neurodivergent woman in tech, making my way in the world as a software engineer! I am a compassionate team player, innovator, and entrepreneur. I will continue to learn everyday!
I'm always interested in taking on new projects and assisting in the development of new apps, as well as, helping others develop. Please message me if you are making something cool I can help with!
- 💼 Currently working on personal projects and contracts. ✨Looking for my next role✨
- 🔭 Most recent Role: Full Stack Implementation Engineer at Caregiving.com.
- 🛩️ Assisting with the development of myCopilot.ai
- 👩🏻 Pronouns: She / Her
- ⚡ Fun facts: I'm a graphic designer and artist. I also love video games, pretty much every genre. I am currently learning Portugese.