A contact form made with PHP, HTML, CSS and a bit of Javascript.
The front-end is built using Twitter Bootstrap and is therefore responsive. It can however be adapted to be used on any website.
Follow these instructions to get the form working:
- Clone repo!
- Go to http://www.google.com/recaptcha/whyrecaptcha and press 'Sign up Now', enter a domain name and press 'Create Key'.
- In the contact.php file, go to line 104 and add your public key in between the quotes.
- In the mail.php file, go to line 8 and add your private key in between the quotes.
- In the mail.php file again, go to line 46 and add the email address you want the emails sent to.
- Upload all files to a server with the PHP mail() extension installed to use.
Feel free to make a pull request if you want to make improvements.
Email me at me [at] mgakashim [dot] com if you find anything wrong with it.