Awaits already in-flight calls and their value.
A common application is when concurrent calls require authentication secrets which are expired and should only be refreshed one at a time. This acts as a queue for the result if another thread of execution already started the network request.
For each call that should only be executed one at a time, create a new instace of InFlightValueProvider
let value = InFlightValueProvider {
let (data, _) = try await request)
return data
let result1 = try await value.get()
// from another queue...
let result2 = try await value.get()
This ensures that subsequent calls to the value while the request is in-flight will return with the same result as the original call. Once the value has been returned to all waiting threads, the provider will do its work once again.
Using the Swift Package Manager, add this line to your Package.swift
as a dependency:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),