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Production Start
These instructions will walk you through how to get a production-ready instance of Instructure's open source Canvas LMS running and serving your users. If you just want to play around with Canvas and get the simplest server running possible, please see the Quick Start page.
If you need help installing Canvas or troubleshooting your installation, your best bet is to join the community mailing list or the IRC channel (see the wiki) and ask specific questions there. It's likely that somebody else has already tackled the same problem.
We assume you are minimally familiar with website configuration and administration - specifically, Apache and/or generic Ruby on Rails setups. It also doesn't hurt to have a small working knowledge of Git, Postgres, and Passenger. We'll point out in this tutorial places where you may need to go learn about these components.
Secondly, this tutorial is targeting POSIX-based systems (like Mac OS X and Linux). This tutorial was written and tested using Ubuntu's latest LTS 12.04. If you have a different system, consider setting up a server or virtual machine running the latest Ubuntu LTS. We'll assume you've either done so or are familiar with these working parts enough to do translations yourself.
Finally, Canvas likes RAM. While it will run on smaller configurations, we recommend a server with at least 2GB RAM, especially if everything is being run on one server.
You can choose to run Canvas on one or many servers, hosted by a database. You can install the database on the same server as the one Canvas is hosted from, or you can install it separately. No matter what you choose, you will simply need to ensure that all Canvas instances can communicate with your database server, wherever it is.
Additionally, you will need one Canvas app server to run automated jobs. Again, this can be one of your web servers, or it can be a dedicated node. While there is no downside to running the automated job daemon alongside your webserver, if you plan on having much traffic it is recommended to keep the job traffic and user traffic partitioned onto different nodes for best performance.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be referring to the server (possibly one of many) that is running Canvas as appserver, whereas we'll be referring to the server running your database as dbserver. An appserver node can either be hosting the website, be processing automated jobs, or both, depending on whether or not you set up a webserver or the automated jobs daemon.
Rails, the library Canvas uses, supports many database adapters, but we primarily use - Postgres and SQLite (for testing). Since this tutorial is for setting up a production environment, we recommend Postgres.
You can run Postgres on the same server you're going to run Canvas on, or not. It really doesn't matter. Just make sure the server you're running Canvas on can talk to the Postgres database.
If Postgres isn't already on the host you are planning on running your database on, if the host is Debian/Ubuntu, then this is as easy as
sysadmin@dbserver:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1
N.B., if you're running MacOS X and using the excellent Homebrew tool, then you can just run brew install postgresql
. Note that you need Xcode though.
Be sure you're running at least Postgres version 9.1.
If you are running Postgres on a different server than the server that Canvas will be running on, you'll need to make sure Postgres is listening to connections from foreign clients. You can do this by editing postgresql.conf
and pg_hba.conf
as described in [the Postgres documentation] (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html).
You'll want to set up a Canvas user inside of Postgres. e that in the below commands, you'll want to replace localhost with the hostname of the server Canvas is running on, if Canvas is running on a different server than Postgres.
# createuser will prompt you for a password for database user
sysadmin@dbserver:~$ sudo -u postgres createuser canvas --no-createdb \
--no-superuser --no-createrole --pwprompt
sysadmin@dbserver:~$ sudo -u postgres createdb canvas_production --owner=canvas
sysadmin@dbserver:~$ sudo -u postgres createdb canvas_queue_production --owner=canvas
There's two primary ways to get a copy of Canvas
You can install Git on Debian/Ubuntu by running
sysadmin@appserver:~$ sudo apt-get install git-core
Once you have a copy of Git installed on your system, getting the latest source for Canvas is as simple as checking out code from the repo, like so:
sysadmin@appserver:~$ git clone https://github.com/instructure/canvas-lms.git canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~$ cd canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~/canvas$ git branch --set-upstream stable origin/stable
You can also download a tarball or zipfile.
We need to put the Canvas code in the location where it will run from. On a Unix machine, choosing something like the following is a good choice:
Take your tarball or your checkout and make sure you move the contents to this directory you've chosen such that all of the directories inside the canvas directory (app, config, db, doc, public, etc). all exist inside this new directory you chose.
We'll be referring to /var/canvas (or whatever you chose) as your Rails application root.
As an example:
sysadmin@appserver:~$ sudo mkdir -p /var/canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~$ sudo chown -R sysadmin /var/canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~$ cd canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~/canvas$ ls
app db Gemfile log Rakefile spec tmp
config doc lib public script test vendor
sysadmin@appserver:~/canvas$ cp -av * /var/canvas
sysadmin@appserver:~/canvas$ cd /var/canvas
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ ls
app db Gemfile log Rakefile spec tmp
config doc lib public script test vendor
Canvas requires Ruby 1.9.3. A minimum version of 1.9.3p286 is recommended.
Brightbox provides updated versions of passenger and ruby that you will want to get:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
sudo apt-get update
We now need to install the Ruby libraries and packages that Canvas needs. On Debian/Ubuntu, there's a few packages you're going to need to install. We recommend that you run:
sysadmin@appserver:~$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3 \
zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libmysqlclient-dev libxslt1-dev \
imagemagick libpq-dev nodejs libxmlsec1-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
libxmlsec1 build-essential openjdk-7-jre unzip
For OS X, you'll need to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode, and make sure you have Ruby 1.9.3. You can find out what version of Ruby your Mac came with by running:
$ ruby -v
You also need the xmlsec library installed. The easiest way to get that is via homebrew. Once you have homebrew installed, just run:
$ brew install xmlsec1
Most of Canvas' dependencies are Ruby Gems. Ruby Gems are a Ruby-specific package management system that operates orthogonally to operating-system package management systems.
Canvas uses Bundler as an additional layer on top of Ruby Gems to manage versioned dependencies. Bundler is great!
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo gem install bundler
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle --without=sqlite
If you are using Ubuntu, you must install bundler version 1.3.5 and NOT the current version provided by APT. Currently, the gem installer uses version 1.5.1 and as such, the bundle install will fail.
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ gem install bundler --version 1.3.5
You'll also need a JavaScript runtime to translate our CoffeeScript code to JavaScript and a few other things. Mac OS X users already have JavaScript Core and don't need to do anything. Linux users will probably want NodeJS, which should have been installed in the apt-get install
step above. Other options can be found at the execjs homepage.
Before we set up all the tables in your database, our Rails code depends on a small few configuration files, which ship with good example settings, so, we'll want to set those up quickly. We'll be examining them more shortly. From the root of your Canvas tree, you can pull in the default configuration values like so:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ for config in amazon_s3 database \
delayed_jobs domain file_store outgoing_mail security external_migration
do cp config/$config.yml.example config/$config.yml; done
Now we need to set up your database configuration to point to your Postgres server and your production databases. Open the file config/database.yml, and find the production environment section. You can open this file with an editor like this:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/database.yml
Update this section to reflect your Postgres server's location and authentication credentials. This is the place you will put the password and database name, along with anything else you set up, from the Postgres setup steps.
For Canvas to work properly, you need an outgoing SMTP mail server. All you need to do is get valid outgoing SMTP settings. Open config/outgoing_mail.yml:
sysadmin@appserver:cp config/outgoing_mail.yml.example config/outgoing_mail.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/outgoing_mail.yml
Find the production section and configure it to match your SMTP provider's settings. Note that the domain and outgoing_address fields are not for SMTP, but are for Canvas. domain is required, and is the domain name that outgoing emails are expected to come from. outgoing_address is optional, and if provided, will show up as the address in the From field of emails Canvas sends.
If you don't want to use authentication, simply comment out the lines for user_name, password, and authentication.
In many notification emails, and other events that aren't triggered by a web request, Canvas needs to know the URL that it is visible from. For now, these are all constructed based off a domain name. Please edit the production section of config/domain.yml to be the appropriate domain name for your Canvas installation. For the domain field, this will be the part between http://
and the next /
. Instructure uses canvas.instructure.com.
sysadmin@appserver:cp config/domain.yml.example config/domain.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/domain.yml
Note that the optional files_domain field is required if you plan to host user-uploaded files and wish to be secure. files_domain must be a different hostname from the browser's perspective, even though it can be the same Apache server, and even the same IP address.
You must insert randomized strings of at least 20 characters in this file:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cp config/security.yml.example config/security.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/security.yml
Once your database is configured, we need to actually fill the database with tables and initial data. You can do this by running our rake migration and initialization tasks from your application's root:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:initial_setup
Canvas needs to build a number of assets before it will work correctly. You will need to run:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets
Set up or choose a user you want the Canvas Rails application to run as. This can be the same user as your webserver (www-data on Debian/Ubuntu), your personal user account, or something else. Once you've chosen or created a new user, you need to change the ownership of key files in your application root to that user, like so
sysadmin@appserver:~$ cd /var/canvas
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos canvas canvasuser
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo mkdir -p log tmp/pids public/assets public/stylesheets/compiled
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo touch Gemfile.lock
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo chown -R canvasuser config/environment.rb log tmp public/assets \
public/stylesheets/compiled Gemfile.lock config.ru
Passenger will choose the user to run the application on based on the ownership settings of config/environment.rb. Note that it is probably wise to ensure that the ownership settings of all other files besides the ones with permissions set just above are restrictive, and only allow your canvasuser user account to read the rest of the files.
There are a number of files in your configuration directory (/var/canvas/config
) that contain passwords, encryption keys, and other private data that would compromise the security of your Canvas installation if it became public. These are the .yml files inside the config directory, and we want to make them readable only by the canvasuser user.
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo chown canvasuser config/*.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo chmod 400 config/*.yml
Note that once you change these settings, to modify the configuration files henceforth, you will have to use sudo.
You're now going to need to set up the webserver. We're going to use Apache and Passenger to serve the Canvas content. If you are on Debian/Ubuntu, you can quickly do this by typing
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo apt-get install passenger-common1.9.1 libapache2-mod-passenger apache2
We'll be using mod_rewrite, so you'll want to enable that.
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo a2enmod rewrite
Once you have Apache and Passenger installed, we're going to need to set up Apache, Passenger, and your Rails app to all know about each other. This will be a brief overview, and for more detail, you should check out the Passenger documentation for setting up Apache.
First, make sure Passenger is enabled for your Apache configuration. In Debian/Ubuntu, the libapache2-mod-passenger package should have put symlinks inside of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ called passenger.conf and passenger.load. If it didn't or they are disabled somehow, you can enable passenger by running:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo a2enmod passenger
In other setups, you just need to make sure you add the following lines to your Apache configuration, changing paths to appropriate values if necessary:
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_passenger.so
PassengerRoot /usr
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
If you have trouble starting the application because of permissions problems, you might need to add this line to your passenger.conf, site configuration file, or httpd.conf (where canvasuser is the user that Canvas runs as, www-data on Debian/Ubuntu systems for example):
PassengerDefaultUser canvasuser
Next, we need to make sure your Apache configuration supports SSL. Debian/Ubuntu doesn't ship Apache with the SSL module enabled by default, so you will need to create the appropriate symlinks to enable it.
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo a2enmod ssl
On other systems, you need to make sure something like below is in your config:
LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_ssl.so
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512
SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/run/apache2/ssl_scache(512000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300
SSLMutex file:/var/run/apache2/ssl_mutex
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
Now we need to tell Passenger about your particular Rails application. First, disable any Apache VirtualHosts you don't want running. On Debian/Ubuntu, you can simply unlink any of the symlinks in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled subdirectory you aren't interested in. In other set-ups, you can remove or comment out VirtualHosts you don't want.
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo unlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Now, we need to make a VirtualHost for your app. On Debian/Ubuntu, we are going to need to make a new file called /etc/apache2/sites-available/canvas. On other setups, find where you put VirtualHosts definitions. You can open this file like so:
sysadmin@appserver:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/canvas
In the new file, or new spot, depending, you want to place the following snippet. You will want to modify the lines designated ServerName(2), ServerAdmin(2), DocumentRoot(2), SetEnv(2), Directory(2), and probably SSLCertificateFile(1) and SSLCertificateKeyFile(1), discussed below in the "Note about SSL Certificates".
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName canvas.example.com
ServerAlias files.canvas.example.com
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/canvas/public
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !=https
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/health_check
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L]
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/canvas_errors.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/canvas_access.log combined
SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
<Directory /var/canvas/public>
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName canvas.example.com
ServerAlias files.canvas.example.com
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/canvas/public
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/canvas_errors.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/canvas_ssl_access.log combined
SSLEngine on
BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown
# the following ssl certificate files are generated for you from the ssl-cert package.
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
<Directory /var/canvas/public>
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews
And finally, if you created this as its own file inside /etc/apache2/sites-available, we'll need to make it an enabled site.
sysadmin@appserver:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled$ sudo a2ensite canvas
You'll notice in the above Canvas configuration file that we provided directives to an SSLCertificateFile and an SSLCertificateKeyFile. The files specified are self-signed certificates that come with your operating system.
Browsers, by default, are configured not to accept self-signed certificates without complaining. The reason for this is because otherwise a server using a self-signed certificate can risk what's called a man-in-the-middle attack.
If you want to get a certificate for your Canvas installation that will be accepted automatically by your user's browsers, you will need to contact a certificate authority and generate one. For the sake of example, Verisign is a commonly used certificate authority.
For more information on setting up Apache with SSL, please see O'Reilly OnLamp.com's instructions, Apache's official SSL documentation, or any one of many certificate authority's websites.
Canvas supports two different methods of caching: Memcache and redis. However, there are some features of Canvas that require redis to use, such as OAuth2, so it's recommended that you use redis for caching as well to keep things simple.
Below are instructions for setting up redis.
Required version: redis 2.6.x or above.
Note: Ubuntu installs an older version by default. See http://redis.io/download for instructions on how to manually install redis 2.6.x or above manually or use the PPA below.
If you're using Homebrew on Mac OS X, you can install redis by running the command: brew install redis
For Ubuntu, you can use the redis-server package. However, on precise, it's not new enough, so you'll want to use a backport PPA to provide it: https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/redis-server.
After installing redis, start the server. There are multiple options for doing this. You can set it up so it runs automatically when the server boots, or you can run it manually.
To run it manually from a Homebrew installation, run the command: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
Now we need to go back to your canvas-lms directory and edit the configuration. Inside the config folder, we're going to copy cache_store.yml.example and edit it:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cd /var/canvas/
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cp config/cache_store.yml.example config/cache_store.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/cache_store.yml
The file starts with all caching methods commented out. Uncomment the cache_store: redis_store
line of the config file.
# if this file doesn't exist, memcache will be used if there are any
# servers configured in config/memcache.yml
cache_store: redis_store
# if no servers are specified, we'll look in config/redis.yml
# servers:
# - localhost
# database: 0
Then specify your redis instance information in redis.yml
, by coping and editing redis.yml.example:
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cd /var/canvas/
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ cp config/redis.yml.example config/redis.yml
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ nano config/redis.yml
- localhost
In our example, redis is running on the same server as Canvas. That's not ideal in a production setup, since Rails and redis are both memory-hungry. Just change 'localhost' to the address of your redis instance server.
Canvas has the option of using a different redis instance for cache and for other data. The simplest option is to use the same redis instance for both. If you would like to split them up, keep the redis.yml config for data redis, but add another separate server list to cache_store.yml to specify which instance to use for caching.
Save the file and restart Canvas.
The QTIMigrationTool needs to be installed for copying content from one Canvas course to another to succeed. Instructions are at https://github.com/instructure/QTIMigrationTool/wiki. When Canvas is installed activate the plugin in Site Admin -> Plugins -> QTI Converter.
Canvas has some automated jobs that need to run at occasional intervals, such as email reports, statistics gathering, and a few other things. Your Canvas installation will not function properly without support for automated jobs, so we'll need to set that up as well.
Canvas comes with a daemon process that will monitor and manage any automated jobs that need to happen. If your application root is /var/canvas, this daemon process manager can be found at /var/canvas/script/canvas_init.
You'll need to run these job daemons on at least one server. Canvas supports running the background jobs on multiple servers for capacity/redundancy, as well.
Because Canvas has so many jobs to run, it is advisable to dedicate one of your app servers to be just a job server. You can do this by simply skipping the Apache steps on one of your app servers, and then only on that server follow these automated jobs setup instructions.
If you're on Debian/Ubuntu, you can install this daemon process very easily, first by making a symlink from /var/canvas/script/canvas_init to /etc/init.d/canvas_init, and then by configuring this script to run at valid runlevels (we'll be making an upstart script soon):
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo ln -s /var/canvas/script/canvas_init /etc/init.d/canvas_init
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo update-rc.d canvas_init defaults
sysadmin@appserver:/var/canvas$ sudo /etc/init.d/canvas_init start
Restart Apache (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
), and point your browser to your new Canvas installation! Log in with the administrator credentials you set up during database configuration, and you should be ready to use Canvas.
We have a full page of frequently asked questions about troubleshooting your Canvas installation. See our Troubleshooting page.
There are many other aspects of Canvas that you can now configure, having a working production environment. Please see Canvas Integration for more information.