Is it like React?
nope, there's no reactivity but also not a drop-in replacement for non-reactive React code
Production ready?
fuck no
Good DX?
lol no
Specify the following options in
:{ "compilerOptions": { "jsx": "react", "jsxFactory": "h", "jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment" } }
And import
:import { h, Fragment } from "cement-jsx";
Write some beautiful JSX and render it
import { render } from "cement-jsx"; const App = ({ adjective }) => <div>Welcome to my {adjective} website!!</div>; const html = render(<App adjective="awesome" />); // -> "<div>Welcome to my awesome website!!</div>"
Setting the inner HTML
Set the inner HTML of an element using the
attribute. This will not be sanitised, make sure you can trust the input.const myHTML = "<span>yeah this be HTML</span>" // βοΈ React const App = <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: myHTML }} /> // πͺ¨ cement-jsx const App = <div $innerHTML={myHTML} />
Styles are not automatically converted
You must use the helper function
to convert CSS objects to strings. It will be converted with the rules of replacing capital letters with a hyphen followed by the lowercase letter.// β const App = <div style={{ color: "#eee", marginTop: "8rem" }} />; // -> "<div style="[object Object]"></div>" // β import { style } from "cement-jsx"; const App = <div style={style({ color: "#eee", marginTop: "8rem" })} />; // -> "<div style="color:#eee;margin-top:8rem;"></div>"
Self closing tags
The following elements will automatically be self-closed:
area base br col embed hr imginput link meta param source track wbr
. To overwrite this behaviour for a particular element, use the$selfClosing
attribute.const App1 = <input />; // -> "<input>" const App2 = <input $selfClosing={false} />; // -> "<input></input>" const App3 = <div $selfClosing={true} />; // -> "<div>"