An experiment in content management
Add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'sevenpages', git: 'git://'
and update with Bundler
$ bundle install
rake sevenpages:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Add the following to your config/routes.rb
mount Sevenpages::Engine, at: '/sevenpages'
And this route, which must be the last route:
get ':slug', to: 'sevenpages/public/pages#show', as: :page
Configure environment variables for your S3 authorization:
$ heroku config:add S3_ACCESS_KEY=yourkey S3_SECRET_KEY=yoursecret
$ heroku config:add S3_BUCKET_NAME=yourbucketname
Add carrierwave.rb
to your config/initializers
directory with something like this:
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
case Rails.env
when 'production', 'staging' = :fog
config.fog_credentials = {
provider: 'AWS',
aws_access_key_id: ENV['S3_ACCESS_KEY'],
aws_secret_access_key: ENV['S3_SECRET_KEY']
config.fog_directory = "{{your bucket name}}"
config.fog_public = true
when 'test' = :file
config.enable_processing = false
when 'development' = :file
$ rails console
> Sevenpages::User.create(email: '[email protected]', password: 'uniquepassword')
Now you can navigate to the Sevenpages admin at http://yourapp/sevenpages
and login with the account you created.
Create a file called sevenpages.rb
in config/initializers
Currently supported configuration options:
Param | Value |
Sevenpages.reserved_slugs | ['array', 'of', 'reserved', 'slug-names'] |