Hausmix is a house management software designed for shared housemates and families. This initial implementation is targeted for housemates and shared chores.
Hausmix helps with scheduling chores and incentivizing their completion through an innovative monetary reward system. Hausmix aims to alleviate tensions and reduce household conflict by having a flexible approach to chore management in shared homes. If your shared home is a mess, maybe it is time to mix in a new approach to how you keep your house tidy.
View the api endpoint and schema in this interactive playground:
- Node - Node.js server
- Prisma | GraphQL-Yoga - GraphQL server
Frontend | repo
- React
- Next.js
- Apollo Client
- GraphQL
- Styled Components
- Mobile & Desktop responsive
- date-fns
- graphql-tag
- prop-types
- Webpack
- Babel
- Node.js
- Prisma
- GraphQL
- GraphQL Yoga
- bcryptjs
- date-fns
- JSONwebtoken
- nodemailer
- Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
- DNS redirects, MX records, and DKIM email keys
- SSL certificates
- Future Features
- Track payments
- Add a utilities management system
- Family focused version for allowance management
- Multiple households per account
- Monetization ( Ideas are formed, but not ready to share! )
- Square Cash integration
- React native version (stretch goal)
- House account for shared tablets
- Calendar View / Integrations
- Allow user to input flat payments - 'Joe paid $20'
- User: settings, profile photo, permissions
- Household settings
- Take / Upload Pictures
- Edit recurring chores
- Add additional heads of house.
- Household / Account deletion
- Update Iconography
All work, code, design, and intellectual property of Hausmix is owned by Neighbor Labs LLC. Hausmix is currently not publicly licensed. To license Hauxmix please contact the developer listed above.