This repository is an assortment of the Open Source packages for Serverboards.
Serverboards is an Enterprise Service Bus that allows to interconnect all your services and make them talk each other. The main element are Dashboards and extractors. Some examples from this repository:
- Dashboards
- Widgets
- Custom screens
- These plugins are already at the Serverboards marketplace
- Plugins can use other plugins to expand their functionalities
Packages can be easily installed at Serverboards itself (settings / marketplace)
or using the s10s
command line command.
If you are interested in developing new plugins, be them free of for-pay, please check the documentation at It is very easy.
Please, feel free to contribute in any means you can. Pull requests, fill issues, create documentation, spread the word. If you can help in any mean, thank you.
If you develop a new OSS plugin and think the community can benefit from it being included here, please create an Issue describing the package, why you think it should be there and so on.
The only requirements are:
- contributed code maintains the Apache2 license
- we follow the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
You can do what you like with the software, as long as you include the required notices. This permissive license contains a patent license from the contributors of the code.
Check the LICENSE file for the full license text.
Individual assets, logos and brands are property of the respective owners, and are used for descriptive use for eachs plugins use.