You can use those JavaScript scripts to enhance Lizmap Web Client. Documentation is here.
You might have a
inside the directory with more information and a demo.
Some of the JavaScript codes presented are self-sufficient while others are examples to help you create the functionality you want.
If you are developing a new feature, do not hesitate to let us know so that we can integrate it.
Examples of available Javascript code:
- Data:
- Edit GPX. Import/Export GPX
- IGN web services
- WMTS direct access
- Misc:
- Add keyboard shortcuts
- Google Street View
- Translation To provide a Lizmap project in many languages
- Refresh some layers periodically
- Tools:
- Attribute table column filter
- Dynamic form field visibility
- Multiple atlas, deprecated since LWC 3.4
- Point buffer on map Display a buffer on the map
- Simple filter
- Smart filter
- Snapping while editing, deprecated since LWC 3.4
- Zoom to feature at startup and show popup
- UI:
- Add documentation with buttons and a dock
- Add hamburger menu for a better UX on a small screen
- Background selector, like on Google Maps
- Expand/collapse legend when layer toggled
- Group collapse
- Hide value popup
- Popup when opening the project with metadata information
- Remove button to make the UI lighter and easier
- Simplify print options
- Add button to toggle dock full width