Mockaroo ( is a freemium tool that provides mock data.
Almost kind of data could be mocked with Mockaroo.
Also, it allows that csv could be uploaded to fill some of this data.
Mockaroo allows embedded objets.
This is a very light tutorial of Mockaroo, and it is for developers that does not know Ruby, like me.
First of all, you should create the schema within its website.
Or you can create the json file to load to Mockaroo. The json has the following sintaxis:
"num_rows": 1,
"file_format": "json",
"name": "MY_ELEMENT",
"array": true,
"columns": [
"name": "_id",
"type": "MongoDB ObjectID",
"formula": ""
"name": "ID_PERSON",
"type": "Regular Expression",
"value": "\\d{8}",
"formula": ""
"name": "ID_GENDER",
"type": "Dataset Column",
"dataset": "gender",
"column": "ID_GENDER",
"selectionStyle": "random",
"formula": ""
"name": "N_GENDER",
"type": "Dataset Column",
"dataset": "gender",
"column": "N_GENDER",
"selectionStyle": null,
"formula": ""
Almost of kind of data can be simulated in Mockaroo, but some of the cannot be simulated, or they have some restrictions that cannot be done without a little programming.
For that can be used the formula field:
These formula fields have to be programming in Ruby.
Bellow, there are a bunch of funtions that are usually used with Mockaroo:
1.) Get the timestamp from a date
my_date = field('ANALISYS_DATE')
2.) Sort data The field MEDICAL_REVISIONS is an array of elements, one of field of this element is ANALISYS_DATE. For sorting by this field:
revisions_list = field('MEDICAL_REVISIONS')
revisions_list.sort_by { |element| element['ANALISYS_DATE'].to_i }
3.) Convert a date to another format
birth_dateFormated = birth_date.strftime("%FT%TZ")
4.) Add days to a date
a_few_days = random(1, 10)
my_date_with_few_days_more = field('MY_DATE') + days(a_few_days)
5.) Concat elements
prefix = ""
sufix = ".jpg"
gender_code = field("ID_GENDER")
if (gender_code == "1") then path = "men" else path = "women" end
id = random(1, 99)
concat(prefix, path, "/", id, sufix)
6.) Get the last element from an array of elements
last_element = field('MEDICAL_REVISIONS').last
imc_from_last_element = last_element['IMC']
7.) Get the last element from an array of elements that is ordered by a field
revisions = field('MEDICAL_REVISIONS')
sortedRevisions = revisions.sort_by { |element| element['ANALISYS_DATE'].to_i }
lastRevision = sortedRevisions.last
8.) Checking the length of a field value
if field('RESTRITION').length >0 then 'Yes' else 'No' end
9.) A well formed NIF (Spanish ID) or NIE (Spanish ID for non European Union Residents)
lettersNIE = "XYZ"
if (field('DOCUMENT_TYPE') == 'NIE')
id = this[1..-1]
id = this
if (field('DOCUMENT_TYPE') == 'NIE')
positionNIE = id.to_i % 3
if (field('DOCUMENT_TYPE') == 'NIE')
letterNIE = concat(lettersNIE[positionNIE],'-')
letterNIE = ''
position = id.to_i % 23
lastLetter = letters[position]
concat(letterNIE, id, '-', lastLetter)
10.) Convert an integer number to string
When the schema is built, it is time to download the mock data.
It can be downloaded in a good bunch of formats: