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serbinskis committed Mar 8, 2021
0 parents commit 92745eb
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Showing 53 changed files with 2,871 additions and 0 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions BSOD/BSOD.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
bits 16
org 0x7c00
; EGA register equates.
SC_INDEX equ 0x3c4 ; SC index register
SC_MAP_MASK equ 2 ; SC map mask register
GC_INDEX equ 0x3ce ; GC index register
GC_SET_RESET equ 0 ; GC set/reset register
GC_ENABLE_SET_RESET equ 1 ; GC enable set/reset register
; Macro to set indexed register INDEX of SC chip to SETTING.
%macro SETSC 2
mov dx, SC_INDEX
mov al, %1
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, %2
out dx, al
dec dx

; Macro to set indexed register INDEX of GC chip to SETTING.
%macro SETGC 2
mov dx, GC_INDEX
mov al, %1
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, %2
out dx, al
dec dx

xor ax, ax ; AX=0
mov ds, ax ; DS=ES=0 because we use an org of 0x7c00
; Segment<<4+offset = 0x0000<<4+0x7c00 = 0x07c00
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7c00 ; SS:SP= 0x0000:0x7c00 stack just below bootloader
cld ; Forward direction for string instructions like movsb

mov ah, 0x41 ; Int 13h/AH=41h: Check if extensions present
mov bx, 0x55aa
int 0x13
cmp bx, 0xaa55 ; Is BX 0xaa55?
mov ax, 12h ; Graphics mode (640x480x16)
int 10h ; BIOS video call

mov si, DAP ; Load BMP Sectors
mov ah, 42h
int 13h ; Read the BMP file

; Segment that our BMP (and BMP header) was read into */
mov ax, 0x07e0
mov ds, ax

mov di, [46] ; Get number of colors from DIB header
test di, di
jnz color_set ; If number of colors is 0
mov di, 2 ; then set to 2 (we assume BMP has color depth 1)

mov si, [14] ; Get the offset of color table from DIB header
add si, 14 ; Add the length of the BMP header to color table offset
; to get actual offset of the color table
xor bx, bx ; Curent color index to process = 0

mov ch, [si+1] ; Get green value
shr ch, 1
shr ch, 1 ; VGA color values are 6 bit. Shift 8-bit value in
; color table entry right by 2 to get a 6-bit value
mov cl, [si] ; Get blue value
shr cl, 1
shr cl, 1 ; VGA color values are 6 bit. Shift 8-bit value in
; color table entry right by 2 to get a 6-bit value
mov dh, [si+2] ; Get red value
shr dh, 1
shr dh, 1 ; VGA color values are 6 bit. Shift 8-bit value in
; color table entry right by 2 to get a 6-bit value
mov ax, 0x1010 ; Set palette entry for current color index
int 0x10

inc bx ; Go to next color index
add si, 4 ; Go to next memory offset where next colorentry starts
dec di
jnz .paletteloop ; Loop until we have processed all color entries

SETSC SC_MAP_MASK, 0x0f ; must set map mask to enable all
; planes, so set/reset values can
; be written to planes 1, 2 & 3
; and CPU data can be written to
; plane 0 (the blue plane)
SETGC GC_ENABLE_SET_RESET, 0xe ; CPU data to plane 1, 2, & 3 will be
; replaced by set/reset value
SETGC GC_SET_RESET, 0x1 ; set/reset value is 0ffh for plane 0
; (the blue plane) and 0 for other
; planes

mov ax, 0xA000
mov es, ax ; 0xA000 = Memory segment for VGA/EGA graphics display

mov si, [10] ; Get offset to pixel data from BMP header
xor di, di ; Destination offset in video segment starts at 0x0000
mov cx, (640/8*480)/2 ; Total number of words (16-bit values) to copy
rep movsw ; Move CX number of words from DS:DI to ES:SI
pop ds
jmp endloop ; We are finished go into infinite loop

;Endless loop
cli ; Disable interrupts
hlt ; Wait for next interrupt
jmp .repeat ; Continue looping indefinitely


; Disk address packet
db 10h, 0
dw (BMP_SIZE+(SECTOR_SIZE-1))/SECTOR_SIZE ; Number of sectors BMP uses (rounded up)
dw 0x0000, 0x07e0 ; Read to 0x07e0:0x0000 = Phys Address 0x07e00
dq 1 ; (Start at second sector)

;Fake MBR signature
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

;My bitmap
bitmap: incbin "BSOD.bmp" ; Flipped image 640x480x1
BMP_SIZE equ $-bitmap ; Size of BMP in bytes
times 32768 - ($ - $$) db 0
Binary file added BSOD/BSOD.bmp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added BSOD/BSOD.img
Binary file not shown.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions Counter.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
cpu 386
bits 16
org 0h

start: ;Ok, dont change this stuff either..
jmp short load_prog
ident db "WobbyChip"


xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 7c00h ;Setup stack

mov ax, 8000h
mov es, ax ;Initialize es w/ 8000h
mov ds, ax ;Initialize ds w/ 8000h


mov ax, 0206h ;Function/# of sec to read
mov cx, 0001h ;0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits

;MDP - Do not clobber DL, it still has the boot drive passed by BIOS
mov dh, 00h ;Dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
mov bx, 0h ;Data buffer, points to es:0
int 13h
cmp ah, 0
jne load_1 ;This is allowable because it is relative

push es
mov ax, counter_inc
push ax


push ax
push di
mov ah,0eh
lodsb ;Same as mov al,[si] and inc si
test al, al ;Same as cmp al,0
jz .end
int 10h
jmp .getchar
pop di
pop ax

push edx
push eax
push ecx
push bx
push di
xor bx, bx ;Digit count
mov ecx, 10 ;Divisor
xor edx, edx ;Division will use 64-bit dividend in EDX:EAX
div ecx ;Divide EDX:EAX by 10 ; EAX=Quotient ; EDX=Remainder(the current digit)
add dl, '0' ;Convert digit to ASCII
push dx ;Push on stack so digits can be popped off in everse order when finished
inc bx ;Digit count += 1
test eax, eax
jnz .digloop ;If dividend is zero then we are finished converting the number
.popdigloop: ;Get digits from stack in reverse order we pushed them
pop ax
stosb ;Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di
dec bx
jne .popdigloop ;Loop until all digits have been popped
mov al, 0
stosb ;NUL terminate string ; Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di
pop di
pop bx
pop ecx
pop eax
pop edx


mov eax, [number]
mov di, strbuf ;ES:DI points to string buffer to store to
call uint32_to_str ;Convert 32-bit unsigned value in EAX to ASCII string
mov si, di ;DS:SI points to string buffer to print
call print_str

mov al, 13 ;Zero scancode
mov ah, 0Eh ;Teletype character
int 10h ;Call interrupt

mov al, 10 ;Zero scancode
mov ah, 0Eh ;Teletype character
int 10h ;Call interrupt

mov eax, [number]
add eax, 1 ;Increase value by 1
mov [number], eax ;Store final value in number

cmp eax, 1000
je timeout
jmp counter_inc

mov ah, 86h ;AH = 86
mov cx, 25 ;Set for timeout 50
int 15h ;Wait function

mov eax, [number]
mov di, strbuf ;ES:DI points to string buffer to store to
call uint32_to_str ;Convert 32-bit unsigned value in EAX to ASCII string
mov si, di ;DS:SI points to string buffer to print
call print_str

mov al, 13 ;Zero scancode
mov ah, 0Eh ;Teletype character
int 10h ;Call interrupt

mov al, 10 ;Zero scancode
mov ah, 0Eh ;Teletype character
int 10h ;Call interrupt

mov eax, [number]
sub eax, 1 ;Decrease value by 1
mov [number], eax ;Store final value in number

cmp eax, 0
je halt
jmp counter_dec

jmp halt


number dd 0
strbuf db 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 55h,0aah
times 4096-($-$$) db 0

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