System biology approach for Hypothesizing the effect of Genetic Variants on Neuroimaging Features in the context of Alzheimer’s Disease
In this study, we outline a methodology to contextualize how a given SNP could have an effect on a neuroimaging feature in the context of Alzheimer's disease.
Datasets: contains the input data (Neuroimaging features and SNPs) to feed the Semi_automatic_developed_pipeline.
Semi_automatic_developed_pipeline: contains a ipython notebook which describes the represented workflow in the paper in details. The output of each step was written in a separated file and placed in the following folders, consecutively.
Genes_Neuroimaging Features_Co-mentioned : contains the output of the second step of workflow.
SNPs-Linkage-disequilibrium-analysis: contains the output of the third step of workflow.
DisGenet_Genes_Diseases_Associations and Emerging_Genes_Alzheimer's Disease_Association: contains the output of the forth step of workflow
KANSL1 Corpora: contains the output of the fifth step of workflow.