(C) 2019 John Brzustowski
License: GPL2 or greater.
A server for the sensorgnome project.
This server manages a growing set of networked sensorgnome receivers.
- [register sensorgnomes](# register)
- manage messages from SGs:
- store
- forward
- provide SG status to clients
- manage sync of SGs to motus.org (i.e. download and process raw data)
- manage remote access to SGs (i.e. let users interact directly with an SG)
- allow sensorgnomes from trusted IP addresses to self-register
- allow sensorgnomes from untrusted IP addresses to self-register if they provide credentials; e.g. from motus.org and/or sensorgnome.org
- allow remotely changing on-board tag database
- allow remotely changing on-board deployment.txt configuration file
Messages arrive on these channels:
signed datagrams sent to a public UDP port (59022)
- the signature proves the message originated from the specified sensorgnome
- the SG uses its server-issued public/private key pair to sign
unsigned datagrams sent to a local UDP port (59023); the datagrams are sent from an SG local port mapped through ssh to the server's port 59023
streams sent to a local TCP port (59024); streams come from an SG via ssh. On the SG, we'd be doing:
ssh -f -N -L 59024:localhost:59024 [email protected]
to map local port 59024 to server port 59024, and then output on the SG would
use cat /etc/hostname - | nc -u localhost 59024
instead of ssh ...
; this
sends the serial number as the first line, then copies all output from the
sensorgnome's uploader.js
to the server socket
- the factory ssh keys used by SGs to login before registering connect to a local unix domain port dedicated to registration Protocol: SG> SERNO[,name,password] (12-character serno followed by optional name, password) SRV> FAILED (if serial number not valid) SRV> FAILED (if serial number already registered and name,password not valid credentials) SRV> PORT\nPUBKEY\nPRIVKEY (otherwise); these might be new credentials or existing ones
Note that some BBKs are running a special release that allows them to send signed datagrams, but unfortunately we hardcoded the host address to in uploader.js
- this server regenerates a simple markdown page whenever an event triggers it
- the hugo server detects a change to the markdown file and regenerates static html
- page is public and currently served from new.sensorgnome.org
- this server listens on port 50025 for TCP connections, and replies to these commands:
- who: list of
for connected receivers - ports: list of
of connected receivers - serno: list of
of connected receivers - status: json-formated status of all active receivers, connected or not. active means connected at least once since the server was launched
- who: list of
- login via ssh to port 59022 with the factory keys forces the command "nc localhost 59026", which communicates with this server's registration listener on port 59026
- e.g. SG-5113BBBK2853 (BSC HQ)
- uploader.js:
- command is now
nc localhost 59024
now sends serno as first line on stream
- command is now
- maintain_ssh_tunnel: map localhost:59024 to sensorgnome.org:59024
- new file
when a non-local, non-usb interface comes up:
- same changes as above
- SG-1614BBBK1666
- SG-1614BBBK1807
- ultimate new setup on server side:
- TCP port 59022: sshd_sg, as before
- UDP port 59022: accept signed datagrams from the network, as before but now in same program
- UDP port 59023: accept unsigned datagrams from localhost (TBD).
- TCP port 59024: accept streams over an ssh (and thus authenticated) connection; the stream begins with the SG's serial number
This way:
- datagrams authenticated by embedded signature, when needed (i.e. sent from arbitrary hosts which are not using ssh)
- datagrams authenticated by virtue of arriving over authenticated channel (ssh) and not signed (first
- no race conditions between mapping ports and running a program over ssh (see jbrzusto/openssh-portable#1)
But this requires retooling SG-side code to include the serno on all messages sent over the authenticated channel.
The the child process is now
nc -u localhost 59024
rather than
usr/bin/ssh -T -o ControlMaster=auto", -o ControlPath=/tmp/sgremote", -o ServerAliveInterval=5", -o ServerAliveCountMax=3",-i /home/bone/.ssh/id_dsa", -p 59022", [email protected]", /home/sg_remote/code/sg_remote
We also modify the first line of startup-info sent by the uploader to simply be the SG's serial number (e.g. SG-1234BBBK5678) to identify the stream:
Uploader.prototype.pushStartupInfo = function() {
var ts = (new Date()).getTime()/1000;
this.child.stdin.write( "SG-" + Machine.machineID + "\n" + "M," + ts + ",machineID," + Machine.machineID + "\n" +
"M," + ts + ",bootCount," + Machine.bootCount + "\n");
Change to hardwire new sensorgnome.org address:
sed -i -e '/sensorgnome.org/d' /etc/hosts
echo sensorgnome.org >> /etc/hosts
sed -i -e '/StrictHostKeyChecking/s/^.*$/StrictHostKeyChecking no/' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Drop use of autossh (since we're running from a cronjob anyway) and map streaming port:
# maintain a reverse tunnel portmap to sensorgnome.org
# run every 5 minutes from /etc/cron.d
# map server:TUNNEL_PORT -> localhost:22 (ssh reverse tunnel)
# map localhost:59024 -> server:59024 (message streaming)
if [[ -f $TUNNEL_PORT_FILE ]]; then
ssh -f -N -T \
-R$TUNNEL_PORT:localhost:22 \
-o ControlMaster=auto \
-o ControlPath=/tmp/sgremote \
-o ServerAliveInterval=5 \
-o ServerAliveCountMax=3 \
This file attempts to set up a tunnel as soon a non-local network interface comes up:
# initiate an ssh tunnel without waiting for cron
if [[ "$IFACE" != "usb0" && "$IFACE" != "lo" ]]; then
exit 0
Also note that some BBKs are running a special release that allows them to send signed datagrams, but unfortunately we hardcoded the host address to in uploader.js