Author: Michael Ofner [email protected]
Created at: 22.02.2012
Lastupdate: 03.03.2012
Forked from the amazing iPaint Editor developed by Yubo Dong [email protected]. See in License.txt for more infos.
1.1 Install via git submodule ``` bash
git submodule add git:// vendor/m3byte/src/M3/Bundle/iPaintBundle
1.2 Or install via deps file
Add the bundle to your
class// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new M3\Bundle\iPaintBundle\M3iPaintBundle(), // ... ); // ... }
Add the M3 namespace to your autoloader
// app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( 'M3' => __DIR__ . '/../vendor/m3byte/src', // your other namespaces );
Add routing
// app/config/routing.yml M3iPaintBundle: resource: "@M3iPaintBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /m3ipaint
These route files provide the following routes:
Name Method Pattern m3ipaint_editor GET /m3ipaint
Run at command line:
php app/console assets:install web/ This loads the required js sources into your public web/ directory.
After installation you can access the editor with the configured route. All images get saved into the web/images/drawings/{username} folder.
The iPaint Bundle is currently available in english and german. But the javascript sources are only in static english. Same with the origin html dialog boxes...
- Drawings folder should be customizeable via config
- Refactor the image save, load and share logic. Make them available throw symfony service container...
- Save all images into the current logged in user's folder. => /web/images/drawings/dummyuser/