An Android audio management library for real-time communication apps.
- Manage audio focus for typical VoIP and Video conferencing use cases.
- Manage audio input and output devices.
- Detect changes in available audio devices
- Enumerate audio devices
- Select an audio device
Android Studio Version | Android API Version Min |
3.6+ | 16 |
To get started using this library, follow the steps below.
Add this line as a new Gradle dependency:
implementation 'com.twilio:audioswitch:$version'
Pull requests merged to master result in an artifact being published to JFrog OSS Snapshots. You can access these snapshots by adding the following to your gradle file.
maven {
url ''
implementation 'com.twilio:audioswitch:$version-SNAPSHOT'
Instantiate an instance of the AudioDeviceSelector class, passing a reference to the application context.
val audioDeviceSelector = AudioDeviceSelector(applicationContext)
To begin listening for live audio device changes, call the start function and pass a lambda that will receive AudioDevices when they become available.
audioDeviceSelector.start { audioDevices, selectedDevice ->
// TODO update UI with audio devices
You can also retrieve the available and selected audio devices manually at any time by calling the following properties:
val devices: List<AudioDevice> = audioDeviceSelector.availableAudioDevices
val selectedDevice: AudioDevice? = audioDeviceSelector.selectedAudioDevice
Note: Don't forget to stop listening for audio devices when no longer needed in order to prevent a memory leak.
Before activating an AudioDevice, it needs to be selected first.
devices.find { it is AudioDevice.Speakerphone }?.let { audioDeviceSelector.selectDevice(it) }
If no device is selected, then the library will automatically select a device based on the following priority: BluetoothHeadset -> WiredHeadset -> Earpiece -> Speakerphone
Activating a device acquires audio focus with voice communication usage and begins routing audio input/output to the selected device.
Make sure to revert back to the prior audio state when it makes sense to do so in your app.
Note: The stop()
function will call deactivate()
before closing AudioDeviceSelector resources.
Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt for details.