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ros2 node for navigation AUV with gps sensor written in Python

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AUV GPS Navigation

auv_gps_navigation is a ROS2 package for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation using GPS and IMU data. This package helps the AUV follow designated waypoints and uses PID control to reach the target positions.

Key Features

  • Calculates the current position of the AUV using GPS and IMU data.
  • Sequentially follows waypoints, moving to the next one once a waypoint is reached.
  • Uses PID controllers to adjust the AUV's yaw direction and x-axis thrust.
  • Issues warnings when the GPS signal is lost, and resumes navigation when the signal is restored.

System Requirements

  • ROS2 Humble version
  • Python 3.8 or later
  • simple_pid Python package (automatically installed via CMake)
  • sudo apt-get install ros-humble-tf-transformations


Clone and build the package using the following commands:

cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone <repository_url>
cd ~/ros_ws
colcon build --packages-select auv_gps_navigation

Dependency Installation

ROS2 and Python dependencies are automatically installed via CMake. If simple_pid is not available, CMake will automatically install it using pip.

Running the Node

Once the build is complete, run the node using the following commands:

source ~/ros_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run auv_gps_navigation

File Structure

    CMakeLists.txt      # Build and installation configuration file
    package.xml         # Package metadata
    launch/             # Launch files (planned)
    config/             # Configuration files (planned)
    scripts/  # AUV navigation node Python script

Node Description

This node performs the following functions:

  • Subscribes to GPS, IMU, and depth data topics (/sensing/gps/data, /sensing/imu/data, /sensing/depth/data).
  • Publishes the current position of the AUV as a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message and broadcasts TF using tf2_ros.
  • Publishes geometry_msgs/Wrench messages to control the AUV's thrust to move towards the given waypoints.
  • Stops the AUV and issues a warning message if the GPS signal is not received for a certain period.

Main Topics

  • /sensing/gps/data (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix): Subscribes to GPS data.
  • /sensing/imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu): Subscribes to IMU data.
  • /sensing/depth/data (std_msgs/Float32): Subscribes to depth data.
  • /auv/pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped): Publishes the current position of the AUV.
  • /auv/wrench (geometry_msgs/Wrench): Publishes commands to control the AUV's thrust.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Contributions are welcome! Please create an issue for bug reports or feature requests.


ros2 node for navigation AUV with gps sensor written in Python






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