This example covers deploying your ExtWebComponents application to Elastic Beanstalk.
This configuration includes:
- npm & node.js
- webpack
- travis CI
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- ExtWebComponents
This architecture configuration includes:
- ./client - ExtWebComponents app source - http://localhost:1962 (Endpoint for debugging only)
- ./server - Server app source - http://localhost:3000
This Elastic Beanstalk configuration includes:
- Multi-Docker container config - http://localhost:3000
This Client application includes:
- Visual Studio Code launchers for client, server & Chrome
- Client launcher - webpack dev server - http://localhost:1962 - with a proxy to server
- Server launcher - express server - http://localhost:3000
- Client debugging proxy - http://localhost:1962/api to http://localhost:3000/api
Configure a VCS to store your code.
Once the project is configured it will be your project root. Change to the root of your project.
cd ~/git/sandbox-ewc-travis-aws
Create an ExtWebComponents npm ExtWebComponents application project.
npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha
npm install -g @sencha/ext-gen
ext-web-components-gen app --name MyApp
Test out the project.
cd ./my-app
npm start
Rename ./my-app
to client
mv my-app client
Install and configure the AWS and EB CLI.
At the root of the project run this. In this config, don't run it in the app folder.
aws configure
Set up the Elastic Beanstalk application.
eb init
- Choose the datacenter that makes sense to you
- Choose
Create New Application
- Choose
Multi-container Docker
and the latest version. - Do not choose CodeCommit.
- Choose setup SSH, if you want to use SSH.
This will create the file ./.elasticbeanstalk/config.yml.
Set up an Elastic environment for your application.
eb create sandbox-staging
will configure the docker container when deployed.
Run the Elastic Beanstalk locally. With one caveat, web contents are not copied to the server folder, until deployment.
- Run
eb local run
- Open
Add express and change how the server is started.
- Copy the ./package.json to your project.
- This project contains express.
- This project contains a start script to start web express serving.
- Copy the .travis.yml to your project.
Encrypt secure variables.
- Run
gem install travis
- Run
travis login --pro --github-token replace_with_github_personal_token
- Run
cd to/the/repo
- Run
travis encrypt replace_with_your_key_id
- Run
travis encrypt replace_with_your_access_key
- Add the secure (secure: "xxx=") variables to your travis deploy config.
In order to use the web pack dev server and server together, you'll need to set up a proxy in the web pack dev server. This allows you to run the web pack dev server with all the magic with a separate server instance.
Add this proxy to your webpack devServer
// http://localhost:1962/api
proxy: {
"/api": "http://localhost:3000"
For devServer
devServer: {
watchOptions: {
ignored: ignoreFolders
contentBase: [path.resolve(__dirname, outputFolder)],
watchContentBase: !isProd,
liveReload: !isProd,
historyApiFallback: !isProd,
host: host,
port: port,
disableHostCheck: isProd,
compress: isProd,
inline: !isProd,
stats: stats,
// http://localhost:1962/api
proxy: {
"/api": "http://localhost:3000"
Debug using launchers in Visual Studio Code. Start the Server, Client and Chrome launcher to debug locally.
- Start the
launcher. http://localhost:3000/api - Start the
launcher. http://localhost:1962/ - Start the
launcher. This opens chrome and connects it to Visual Studio Code.
- The Client launcher launches web pack dev server which watches for changes. On a change it builds.
- The Client launcher has a proxy from http://localhost:1962/api to http://localhost:3000/api.
See the launchers here ./.vscode/launch.json.
is set up to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk.
- Change the username and password in ./.travis.yml.
The application deploys to