This Readme documents how to use the gen-it.js tool and the process to re-generate a new set of npm packages for all 3 bridge products:
- ExtAngular
- ExtWebComponents
- ExtReact
NOTE: a ./ in front of any file or folder represents this project path (the one with the
Step 1 - Acquire the latest version/branch of the SDK from
- create a new folder where SDK will be downloaded - this readme will refer to it as {sdkroot}
- {sdkroot} = folder where SDK will be downloaded
- cd to {sdkroot}
- run: git clone
**NOTE: root folder of sdk is {sdkroot}
to produce: ./AllClassesFiles/docs/classic/classic-all-classes-flatten.json
- ./AllClassesFiles
- ./AllClassesFiles/docs
- ./AllClassesFiles/docs/classic
- ./AllClassesFiles/docs/modern
- cd {sdkroot}/SDK/docs/classic
- run: sencha doxi build all-classes-flatten
NOTE: file is built to (output): {sdkroot}/SDK/build/docs/classic/classic-all-classes-flatten.json
- copy this file to ./AllClassesFiles/docs/classic/
to produce: AllClassesFiles/modern/modern-all-classes-flatten.json
- cd {sdkroot}/SDK/docs/modern
- run: sencha doxi build all-classes-flatten
NOTE: file is built to: {sdkroot}/SDK/build/docs/modern/cmodern-all-classes-flatten.json
- copy this file to ./AllClassesFiles/docs/modern/
- global['ExtVersion'] = '7.3.0' (or whatever new version is)
- optional - global['AllClassesFolder'] = './'
- optional - global["generatedFolders"] = "./GeneratedFolders/";
change old version (7.3.0) to new version
- global['ExtVersion'] (as mentioned above)
- all references in the filetemplates folder
(the following is run in the root folder of this project)
- run: npm install
(the following is run in the root folder of this project)
run: npm run modern-extwebcomponents
run: npm run classic-extwebcomponents
Generated npm packages are at: ./GeneratedFolders/blank/
- ext-web-components-modern
- ext-web-components-classic
Since the Ext-Angular and ExtReact rely on the web-components packages being npm published, you must publish these 2 packages first:
- Change into GeneratedFolders/blank/<package_name/> and run
npm install
- Run the publish commands:
- run: npm publish ext-web-components-modern
- run: npm publish ext-web-components-classic or
- run: npm link ext-web-components-modern
- run: npm link ext-web-components-classic
(the following is run in the root folder of this project)
run: npm run modern-extreact
run: npm run modern-extangular
run: npm run classic-extreact
run: npm run classic-extangular
Generated npm packages are at: ./GeneratedFolders/blank/
- ext-react-modern
- ext-angular-modern
- ext-react-classic
- ext-angular-classic
cd to ./GeneratedFolders/blank/ext-react-modern
run: npm install
run: npm publish
cd to ./GeneratedFolders/blank/ext-react-classic
run: npm install
run: npm publish
- cd to ./GeneratedFolders/blank/ext-angular-classic
- run: npm install
- run: npm run packagr (this will create a ./dist folder)
- copy ./bin ./dist/bin
- copy ./postinstall.js ./dist/postinstall.js
- cd to ./dist
- add scripts entry to ./dist/package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node ./postinstall.js"
- add bin entry to ./dist/package.json
"bin": {
"ext-angular": "./bin/ext-angular.js"
- run: npm publish or npm link from the ./dist folder
- cd to ./GeneratedFolders/blank/ext-angular-modern
- run: npm install
- run: npm run packagr (this will create a ./dist folder)
- copy ./bin ./dist/bin
- copy ./postinstall.js ./dist/postinstall.js
- cd to ./dist
- add scripts entry to ./dist/package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node ./postinstall.js"
- add bin entry to ./dist/package.json
"bin": {
"ext-angular": "./bin/ext-angular.js"
- run: npm publish or npm link from the ./dist folder
standard project files
- ./package.json (npm package file)
- ./package-lock.json (npm package lock file)
- ./ (this file)
genIt utility is 3 files
- ./genIt.js
- ./genItUtils.js
- ./globals.js
folders auto-generated
- ./GeneratedFolders
- ./node-modules
folder documentation
- ./filetemplates (where templates for all generated files are stored)
- ./npmpackage (starter files for the npm process)
- ./XTemplate (Ext JS XTemplate code used by the genIt.js utility)
description of command line (which is used in the scripts section of package.json)
node ./genIt.js blank modern
1st is node (the app runtime) 2nd is the js file to run 3rd is the suffix (blank means no suffix added to name) 4th is toolkit (classic or modern)
A guide on how ExtAngular and ExtReact consume ExtWebComponents (EWC) and how the packages are associated to each other (dependencies).
- ExtAngular
- ExtReact
- ExtWebComponents
There are 10 packages that need to be updated.
Packages built using gen-it.js:
- ext-angular-classic
- ext-angular-modern
- ext-react-classic
- ext-react-modern
- ext-web-components-classic
- ext-web-components-modern
Packages build using theme-and-engine.js ext-classic-runtime ext-modern-runtime
Packages built from the existing bridge ext-react-repo:
- cra-template-ext-react-classic
- cra-template-ext-react-modern
There are versions of ExtReact, ExtAngular and ExtWebComponents for both the classic and modern toolkits. Here is a list of the components:
- ext-web-components-classic
- ext-web-components-modern
- ext-angular-classic
- ext-angular-modern
- ext-react-classic
- ext-react-modern
NOTE: ext-angular and ext-react require the respective ext-web-components package (by toolkit) in order to run. As such, both products package.json file includes a dependencies reference, similar to the following
"@sencha/ext-web-components-classic": "~7.3.0",
The list of components above can be generated with the ‘gen-it.js’ tool available here: Documentation on using this tool is available here:
This tool will generate npm packages for all 6 components (above), which are then ready to be published to npm.
There is also a second tool: themes-and-engine.js available at the following link: Documentation on using this tool is available here:
This tool will generate 2 npm packages with the following engine and theme files
- Material folder (for the material theme)
- Material folder (for the material theme)
These 2 npm packages (above) contain the ExtJS engine and theme needed for the products, with these, no custom Ext JS webpack plugin is need
Both ext-angular-[toolkit]
and ext-react-[toolkit]
contain a postinstall.js
file (which is used for npm post install). This file will look for the above packages, and, if found, will copy the engine and theme files needed for both Angular CLI
and create-react-app
(native React) generated applications.
NOTE: during the development process, it is critical that the bin/ directory and postinstall.js are copied into each packages dist folder and that package.json is configured to run the post install hook
- copies to the ./public folder and modifies ./public/index.html.
Angular CLI
- copies to the root of the project and make entries in the angular.json file
For ExtReact, there are 2 cra templates (one for modern and one for classic) available here:
For both of these packages, a new version of Ext JS requires changing the version numbers in both packages files, specifically:
- package.json
- template.json
Gen It can be used to generate the JSON Descriptor file for each of the Ext Web Component which contains the information such as Properties, method and events etc about the Web Component. Follow the following steps -
Generate the doxi JSON files as explained in first 3 steps at the start of this ReadMe file and place them in their respective folders.
- Classic EWC Descriptors
- run: npm run classic-ewc-jsondescriptors
- Modern EWC Descriptors
- run: npm run modern-ewc-jsondescriptors