Unity Grid Inventory System
It's a simple grid style Inventory for your unity project.
Space - spawn random item
R - rotate item
LMB - drag item
RMB - delete item
On default settings, slot size = 96, 96
And i want to do my inventory like 6x9 grid, we need to change width and height in rect transform (in backpack [6x9]):
Width - 6x96 = 576
Height - 9x96 = 864
For items, u need to add ItemData
![Screenshot 2024-05-05 133048](https://github.com/semiloker/UnityGridInventory/assets/146450267/28b44cd2-4997-4bd5-aae2-c236ffbe1911)
and change the settings as you need
![Screenshot 2024-05-05 133152](https://github.com/semiloker/UnityGridInventory/assets/146450267/8f81440c-6cdd-4bda-bba7-e946f3d54a6d)
Add the data of the items we created previously to the “Inventory” script
![Screenshot 2024-05-05 133346](https://github.com/semiloker/UnityGridInventory/assets/146450267/6a45950a-0a61-46f6-8f3e-4b6f135066ff)
![Screenshot 2024-05-05 132045](https://github.com/semiloker/UnityGridInventory/assets/146450267/a994dd37-420d-4397-bd61-e2201af3f171)