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Richard Mayes edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 7 revisions

What is Being Configured?

The configuration file sets the authentication user name and authentication key. It also has an optional field to handle line endings.

Why Authenticate?

GitHub only allows for 60 unauthenticated API calls per hour. Authentication allows SemDiff to make more API calls per hour. There is a cap of 5000 authenticated API calls per hour, but this would require an extremely large project with lots of changing pull requests to exceed.

Why Line Endings?

Different operating systems use different line endings. Windows uses CRLF(\r\n). Linux and OSX use LF(\n). Different line endings cause an effect similar to radio static, making it hard to see real conflicts. To handle this problem, SemDiff normalizes line endings. The configuration file allows a user to set this, but it uses a default value of CRLF.

Getting an Authentication Token

Go to SemDiff does not require any of the scopes. Simply name the token and save it. This will send you to the tokens page and show you the value for the token you just created. Save that token value somewhere (or keep the value copied and use it for Setup).


After installation, a .semdiff folder is created within the repository (it is automatically added to .gitignore). Within this folder is a file named "User_Config.json". The basic layout for the file is already written and just needs to be filled in.

Initially the file looks like this:

Edit this file and add a username and authentication token, like this:

Don't forget to add the quotation marks around your username and authentication token. Additionally, if preferred, line endings can be changed to LF.