Welcome to some of my early experiments with R.
A quick and easy pipeline used to perform a small data mining task with R; the aim was to obtain a raw dataset with all the papers mentioning VR or Virtual Reality for the last decade (2010-2020) recorded in the PubMed database, and comparing them with the ones produced in the context of COVID-19. The results were presented by me at the ICAMT Online Conference on October 7-8 (2020), and published in the homonymic proceedings:
Avouri, E., Osti, G., Cliffen, H., Joncic, N., Pritchard, D., Ripanti, F., & Toumpouri, M. (2021). VR in the time of social distancing: New multidisciplinary-inspired directions for virtual exhibitions. ICAMT Online Conference 2020 - Architecture & Exhibit Design New Challenges for Museums. http://icamt.mini.icom.museum/
More details soon.