Make sure you have sudo installed already. sudo -V
if not, install: apt-get install sudo
First download the script to your machine. The Droplr link will always go to the master branch (install file).
You're welcome to check the redirect yourself. It's a simple URL shortener.
# curl
└> curl -L > install_seedbox
# wget
└> wget -O install_seedbox
Then to install
chmod +x install_seedbox
sudo ./install_seedbox
This base script has been put together by me (bbashy) using my knowledge in setting up rTorrent/libTorrent/ruTorrent as well as the Linux OS. I try to use the latest versions for things, many other scripts use Apache, which is fine... I just prefer Nginx. I run the exact same setup myself and it runs perfectly, I seed every version of Mint, Debian, Ubuntu and Arch Linux OSs in TBs.
I do not know much bash scripting but I'm testing this script heavily so it will be pretty stable. If you see something wrong or a part that could be done better, please let me know in the issues or open a pull request fixing it (please explain the problem and how it makes it better).
I do not take responsibility if this script causes any system errors, loss of data or problems with your server or machine.