With this plugin the customer can add additional info to the product like so:
composer require brille24/sylius-customer-options-plugin
. -
Register the Plugin in your
return [
Brille24\SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin\Brille24SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
- Add the
to your localconfig/packages/_sylius.yaml
- { resource: "@Brille24SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yml" }
- Add the
to your localconfig/routes.yaml
resource: "@Brille24SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin/Resources/config/app/routing.yml"
- Copy the template overrides from the plugin directory
From: [shop_dir]/vendor/brille24/sylius-customer-options-plugin/test/Application/templates
To: [shop_dir]/templates
In order to use the customer options, you need to override the product and order item.
use Brille24\SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin\Entity\ProductInterface;
use Brille24\SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin\Traits\ProductCustomerOptionCapableTrait;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Product as BaseProduct;
class Product extends BaseProduct implements ProductInterface {
use ProductCustomerOptionCapableTrait {
__construct as protected customerOptionCapableConstructor;
public function __construct()
// ...
use Brille24\SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin\Entity\OrderItemInterface;
use Brille24\SyliusCustomerOptionsPlugin\Traits\OrderItemCustomerOptionCapableTrait;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderItem as BaseOrderItem;
class OrderItem extends BaseOrderItem implements OrderItemInterface
use OrderItemCustomerOptionCapableTrait {
__construct as protected customerOptionCapableConstructor;
public function __construct()
// ...
- If you also want default data you need to copy over the
file from the package directory and run
bin/console sylius:fixtures:load
- Finally update the database and update the translations:
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
bin/console translation:update
- Saving files as customer defined values as the values are currently stored as a string in the database
When developing it is recommended to use git hooks for this just copy the docs/pre-commit
to .git/hooks/pre-commit
and make it executable. Then you will check your codestyle before committing.
Documentation on how to use the plugin can be found here.