A simple, lightweight, customizable, touch friendly color picker for react library.
- Touch friendly.
- Support dark theme.
- Alpha channel (opacity).
- Support 3 color formats hsl, rgb and hex.
- Keyboard accessible.
- Simple easy to use interface (inspired by google chrome's color picker).
- No dependencies.
- Copy color to the clipboard.
- Lightweight.
npm install react-alwan
yarn add react-alwan
- Jsdelivr CDN
<!-- Style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-alwan/dist/alwan.css" />
<!-- Script -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-alwan/dist/umd/react-alwan.js"></script>
- Unpkg CDN
<!-- Style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/react-alwan/dist/alwan.css" />
<!-- Script -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-alwan/dist/umd/react-alwan.js"></script>
// Import javascript.
import Alwan from 'react-alwan';
// Import css.
import 'react-alwan/dist/alwan.css';
function App() {
return (
<Alwan />
) — Set the color picker Id. -
) — Add classes to the reference button. -
) — Choose a theme, 'dark' or 'light'. -
) — Toggle picker's visibility (Show/Hide), Setting this to false keeps the picker visible. -
) — Display the picker container as a pop-up (a box that floats on top of the page content), if it's false, picker container will be displayed as a block (embedded in the page's content). -
) — Set the position of the popper (if popover is set to true) relative to the reference element, the position has two values separated by a dash (-), the first value is the direction (top, bottom, right, left), the second value is the alignment (start, center, end), omitting this value will default to center.e.g. 'bottom-start': 'bottom' places the picker below the reference element, and 'start' aligns the left side of the container with the left side of the reference element.
Note: If the picker container has no space to be placed, it will auto-position itself. based on the available space.
) — Set the gap (in pixels) between the picker container and the reference element. -
) — Preview the color. -
) — Add/Remove a copy button. -
) — Support alpha channel and display opacity slider. -
) — Disable the picker, users won't be able to pick colors. -
) — Color picker value. -
) — For the formats 'hsl' and 'rgb', choose a single input to display the color string, or if false, display an input for each color component. -
) — Input(s) field(s) for each color format. if this option is set to true then all formats are selected. -
) — Initial color format. -
) — Array of color swatches, invalid values will be displayed as rgb(0, 0, 0). -
) — Make swatches container collapsible. -
) — Close the color picker when scrolling. -
) — On Change event fires whenever the color changes. -
) — On Open event fires whenever the color picker opens. -
) — On Change event fired whenever the color picker closes.
Unlabeled interactive elements has a ARIA label attribute with a default values in english. You can change these labels in the options by modifying the i18n object prop.
i18n: {
palette: 'Color picker', // Label for the color picking area.
copy: 'Copy color to clipboard', // Label & title for the copy button.
changeFormat: 'Change color format', // Label & title for the change format button.
swatch: 'Color swatch', // Label for swatch buttons.
toggleSwatches: 'Toggle swatches', // Label & title for the toggle swatches button.
hue: 'Change hue', // Label for the hue slider.
alpha: 'Change opacity' // Label for the opacity slider.
onOpen={(ev) => { /* ... */ }}
onClose={(ev) => { /* ... */ }}
onChange={(ev) => {
ev.type // Event type `change`, `open` or `close`.
// HSL color components.
ev.h // Hue.
ev.s // Saturation.
ev.l // Lightness.
// RGB color components.
ev.r // Red.
ev.g // Green.
ev.b // Blue.
ev.a // Alpha (opacity)
// Color string values.
ev.hex // Hex value.
ev.rgb // RGB string.
ev.hsl // HSL string.