A simple API for Spell checking
- Logging and custom properties
- Converts strings into respective index by sound using Soundex algorithm
- Suggests words closest to a given string using dictionary
- Replaces special characters and digits with closest alphabets, for example, a1ph@ will be converted to alpha
- Compatible only with English dictionary
- Finds punctuation marks seriously offensive
The API has been developed and tested on Java 1.7. However, it should be compatible on 1.6 too. The dependency libraries include:
- log4j-1.2.15 for logging
- lucene-core-3.6.0.jar and lucene-spellchecker-3.6.0.jar for spell check
Running examples are provided in MagicSpellsMain. Snippets are to help write boilerplate code:
NormalizeImpl class provides functions to remove funky letters from text. This might be used as a pre-processor before spell check.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
MagicSpellsService service = new MagicSpellsService();
String[] words = { "@lpha", "b3ta", "gamma", "de1t@", "3p$!l0n" };
ISpell normalize = service.getNormalize();
for (String word : words) {
Suggestion suggestion = normalize.getSuggestion(word);
catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Trying to initialize MagicSpellService: "
+ e.getMessage());
SoundexImpl class provides indexing methods for English text. The output of a word is a code, which is consistent for multiple pronunciations of the same word.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
MagicSpellsService service = new MagicSpellsService();
String[] words = { "michael", "micheal", "michelle", "michail", "meekhail" };
ISpell soundex = service.getSoundex();
System.out.println("\nSound indexing...");
for (String word : words) {
Suggestion suggestion = soundex.getSuggestion(word);
catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Trying to initialize MagicSpellService: "
+ e.getMessage());
SpellImpl class uses Lucene library to check for spelling mistakes. The res/dict_en.txt is the dictionary
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
MagicSpellsService service = new MagicSpellsService();
String[] words = { "wierd", "definate", "wheather", "acommodate",
"bizzare", "seperate" };
ISpell spell = service.getSpellCheck();
System.out.println("\nSpell check...");
for (String word : words) {
Suggestion suggestion = spell.getSuggestion(word);
catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Trying to initialize MagicSpellService: "
+ e.getMessage());