PHP 7.4.0 and later.
Running "composer install" in this dir will create vendor directory with all needed dependencies.
Shows basic usage of Smart/Transactions product services. To run execute simple.php.
This product requires use of device authentication.
To keep things simple in this sample just a refresh token is provided as credential, obtained from a separate device
authentication process. See the sample for more details.
Shows basic usage of Payment/Secupaydebits and Payment/Secupayprepays product services. demo has 2 parts:
- in main directory there is a sample command line script "run_sample.php"
- in the browser directory there is sample html page where you can use forms to create your objects the sample url would be : ../secucard-connect-php-sdk-demo/02_client_payments/browser/index.php/settings
This product requires use of client credentials authentication.