A Cycle.js driver for the History API.
This is a very minimal Cycle.js driver that simply isolates history.pushState
calls and popstate
events. It makes no assumption about how you want to filter and transform click/touch event streams to come up with the paths to push. Nor will it do e.preventDefault()
for you.
In the absence of pushState
support it lets the links work as normal links. This means that your preventDefault
driver needs to know not to capture these click/touch events.
Finally, it does not currently support history.replaceState
or the state argument of pushState
If you prefer a driver that covers all these cases, you may want to consider the TylorS/cycle-history
driver which is a batteries-included approach to the same problem.
Returns a driver that calls history.pushState
on the input paths and outputs paths sent to pushState
as well as received with popstate
events, starting with the current path. If pushState
is not supported, this function returns a driver that simply emits the current path.
npm install cycle-pushstate-driver
import Cycle from '@cycle/core'
import { makePushStateDriver } from 'cycle-pushstate-driver'
function main (responses) {
// ...
const drivers = {
Path: makePushStateDriver()
Cycle.run(main, drivers)
Simple use case:
function main({ DOM, Path }) {
let localLinkClick$ = DOM.select('a').events('click')
.filter(e => e.currentTarget.host === location.host)
let navigate$ = localLinkClick$
.map(e => e.currentTarget.href)
let vtree$ = Path
.map(url => {
switch(url) {
case '/':
case '/user':
return {
DOM: vtree$,
Path: navigate$,
preventDefault: localLinkClick$
Routing use case with switch-path
import switchPath from 'switch-path'
import routes from './routes'
function resolve (path) {
return switchPath(path, routes)
function main({ DOM, Path }) {
const localLinkClick$ = DOM.select('a').events('click')
.filter(e => e.currentTarget.host === location.host)
const navigate$ = localLinkClick$
.map(e => e.currentTarget.href)
const vtree$ = Path
.map(({ value }) => value)
return {
DOM: vtree$,
Path: navigate$,
preventDefault: localLinkClick$
Routing use case with wayfarer
import wayfarer from 'wayfarer'
function route (path$) {
const route$ = new Rx.ReplaySubject(1)
const r = name => params => route$.onNext({ name, params })
const router = wayfarer('/notfound')
router.on('/', r('owers'))
router.on('/owers/:ower', r('owees'))
router.on('/notfound', r('notfound'))
path => router(path),
return route$
function main({ DOM, Path }) {
const Route = route(Path)
const localLinkClick$ = DOM.select('a').events('click')
.filter(e => e.currentTarget.host === location.host)
const navigate$ = localLinkClick$
.map(e => e.currentTarget.href)
const vtree$ = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(
Route, owersVtree$, oweesVtree$, notfoundVtree$,
(route, owersVtree, oweesVtree, notfoundVtree) => {
const vtrees = {
'owers': owersVtree,
'owees': oweesVtree,
'notfound': notfoundVtree
return vtrees[route.name]
return {
DOM: vtree$,
Path: navigate$,
preventDefault: localLinkClick$