An agent based model which looks to explain the alcohol harm paradox through fundamental cause theory (FCT).
The alcohol harm paradox is a phenomenon in which two people who drink the same amount of alcohol over thier lifetimes will experience different alcohol harms based on their socioeconomic background. Individuals lower on the socioeconomic scale experience more alcohol harms when compared to those high on the socioeconomic scale, even when drinking less on average.
Is a social theory that proposes that the fundamental causes of disease can be linked to socioeconomic status. It proposes that the level of education, personal wealth, social connections and social influence are liked to the likelihood of an individual to get succumb to disease.
subgraph MBSSM
direction TB
subgraph macro ["Macro Level"]
direction TB
subgraph Entities ["Macro Entities"]
SE("Social Entities")
SP("Social Phenomena")
SE--"Macro Interaction"-->SP--"Macro Interaction"-->SE
subgraph micro ["Micro Level"]
direction TB
%%A B
subgraph agents ["Micro Entities"]
direction LR
macro -- "Situational Mechanisms"--> micro -- "Transformational Mechanisms" --> macro
a1 & a2 -- "micro interaction"--- a3
a1 & a3 -- "micro interaction"--- a2
a2 & a3 -- "micro interaction"--- a1
How agents receive and process information sent from a macro-level entity
participant c as Communicator
participant a as Agent
participant m as Mediator
participant f as FCT
loop Every Tick (week)
c->>a: Communicator sends event to Agent
Note right of a: Agent stores event in list.
Note right of a: Agent chooses an event to attempt to decode.
a->>+m: Agent sends chosen event to Mediator
m->>+f: Mediator sends chosen event to FCT
Note left of f: Decode attempt, success based on FCT parameters. <br> Assuming successful decode:
Note left of f: FCT params altered
f->>-m: Success/Failure returned with event
m->>-a: Agent stores event in successfully decoded events list
Agents are then able to send a decoded event to another agent within their network.
actor a1 as Agent 1
actor a2 as Agent 2
participant m as Agent 2 Mediator
participant f as Agent 2 FCT
loop Every Tick (week)
a1-->a1: Find random agent in network
a1->>+a2: Communicate solved event
a2-->a2: Check event isn't solved
Note left of a2: if solved do nothing
a2->>+m: Send event to Mediator
m->>+f: Make FCT alterations
f->>-m: Success returned
m->>-a2: Event stored in successful events
[*] --> update_deprivation_quintile
state update_deprivation_quintile {
[*] --> loop_agents
loop_agents --> check_swap_eligibility
check_swap_eligibility --> agent_swap_up: agent is tagged as swapping up
check_swap_eligibility -->agent_doesn't_swap: agent can't swap
check_swap_eligibility --> agent_swap_down: agent is tagged as swapping down
agent_swap_up --> agent_swap_up_list: agent added to swap up list
agent_swap_down --> agent_swap_down_list: agent added to swap down list
state swap_pair_list {
[*] --> for_each_pair
for_each_pair --> agent_1_dq: get agent 1 deprivation quintile
for_each_pair --> agent_2_dq: get agent 2 deprivation quintile
agent_2_dq -->agent_1: agent 1 deprivation quintile set as agent 2 deprivation quintile
agent_1_dq -->agent_2: agent 2 deprivation quintile set as agent 1 deprivation quintile
swap_pair_list -->[*]