We use three package managers in this project: npm, bower and tsd. Each has a .json file for config
npm → package.json
bower → bower.json
tsd → tsd.json
and a folder for the packages
npm → npm_modules
bower → bower_components
tsd → typings.
To get all our required packages, open command prompt and execute
>npm install -g bower tsd
to install bower and tsd (node has to be installed, environment variables have to be set), and then execute
>npm install
>bower install
>tsd update -so
This will download all packages specified in the .json files.
If a .ts file is created, it has to be added to _all.ts (this will make the new class available in the other .ts classes and it is needed to generate the ES code in app.js)
We also use the (totally awesome! :) ) task runner gulp. Run
>npm install -g gulp
in command prompt (navigate to our project root folder first), this will run all tasks specified in gulpfile.js, for example:
compile/transpile the .ts files and uglify the outcoming app.js file
start the webserver running on port 1337.
Gulp also notices changes to the files in /src and automatically reruns some tasks and updates the browser.