Releases: sebjf/dazmaxbridge
Releases · sebjf/dazmaxbridge
Beta 0.1
This is the sixth release of Daz Max Bridge and the first Beta release.
This version is complete with no known bugs. It has the following main features:
- Connects to multiple versions of Daz
- Creates high fidelity equivalents of Daz shaders for Standard Max, VRay and MentalRay A&D Materials
- Very fast updating of geometry for assets already imported
- Support for deformers (skeleton transforms, morphs) and geografts
The areas that have had the least testing so far are:
- VRay Material Import
- Standard Max Material Import
- Geometry edge cases
- Scene graph composition edge cases
- Stability on memory limited workstations
This release is a release build for x64. It was built against the wrapper for Max 2014 but since this wrapper is not included should work with earlier versions with no issue.