Quick and dirty scripting to generate a requirements listing with licenses in a csv
How to run this to generate a basic csv:
First, define the lists of requirements.txt files and package.json files. The default (and, because fast and dirty, currently required) locaiton for this is in the current directory, python_requirements_list and javascript_requirements_list, respectively.
It's literally just a list of files, but if those files don't exist or they're not in the proper format, it will fail ugly.
Then, run the shell script ./generate_library\list.sh
This will generate files in /tmp /tmp/python_oss_info.txt, and /tmp/javascript_oss_info.txt
Those are the default locations for the python script, so you can just run that too:
Which will output a file to /tmp/license_libs.csv.
Which can be imported to google spreadsheet to play with to your hearts content.