Lauderdale and Cael "Impact of remineralization profile shape on the air-sea carbon balance" manuscript repository.
Model code, output, and analysis routines looking at the impact of remineralization profile shape (i.e. functional form) on the air-sea carbon balance, and characterizing structural uncertainty in the ocean's biological pump. Read the paper in Geophysical Research Letters or find the pre-print in the Earth and Space Science Open Archive.
Generate all the coefficients for the six functional forms statistically fit to the reference power-law curve in three different ways using the MATLAB routine profile_coefficients.m
. Coefficients are stored in export_profile_coefficients.csv
, with the coefficients used in the manuscript supplied here.
Simulations were run with the "Checkpoint63m" version of MITgcm, substituting files in the code_mods
directory. pkg DIC
files DIC_VARS.h
, dic_readparms.F
, and phos_flux.F
supply the different remineralization functions (with an added function for exponential integral, or upper incomplete gamma function expint.F
). The functional forms can each be activated by setting selectExportRemin
between 1--7 in data.dic
, where:
• selectExportRemin=1
for the simple exponential profile,
• selectExportRemin=2
for the power-law curve,
• selectExportRemin=3
for the ballast profile,
• selectExportRemin=4
for the rational profile,
• selectExportRemin=5
for the double exponential profile,
• selectExportRemin=6
for the stretched exponential profile,
• selectExportRemin=7
for the gamma function profile.
Preformed tracers, which aid in partitioning carbon and nutrients into "physically-preformed" and "biologically-regenerated" nutrients are included in the code_mods
directory, by substituting the default pkg GCHEM
and gchem_forcing_sep.F
, and adding gchem_preformed_tracers.F
. Activate the tracers by increasing the number of tracers associated with pkg PTRACERS
, and include definitions in data.ptracers
file (see experiment input files for details).
The same executable was used for each simulation. Coefficients for each remineralization function are passed using the four-value KRemin
array in data.dic
(filled with zeroes tot he right where needed).
Each simulation is associated with its own folder in this repository, which includes input files and steady-state output as an average of the last 100 years of the siumulation. The naming convention is:
• mar0.70
, mar0.84
, or mar0.98
for the reference simulations using the Martin Curve with b values of 0.70, 0.84 (reference), and 0.98.
• abs
, rel
, or efd
for fitting to the reference profile by minimizing absolute error, relative error, or e-folding depth of remineralization.
• exp
, bal
, dbl
, str
, rat
, or gam
for the remineralization profile used (simple exponential, ballast, double exponential, stretched exponential, rational, and gamma functions).
• noflux
for the simulation where no particulate organic carbon is produced at the surface, and 100% of production is channeled instead to dissolved organic carbon that degrades with a timescale of 6 months.
The Jupyter Notebook export_flux_analysis.ipynb
contains the analysis routines used to generate the figures. Dependencies include xarray
, dask
, and mitgcm_tools
(get from github).
Any questions or comments, please get in contact!