#Exygy Boilerplate Pattern Libary
- Fabricator
- Gulp
- Foundation
- Install Node
- Install gulp-sass
npm install gulp-sass
- Clone this repo
- Start your server
$ npm start
##Interface Inventory
Using the starter framework and visual comps conduct an Interface Inventory and identify all the major components across the screens.
- Categorize and name each component meaningfully.
- How would you present your findings to the team?
##Sass Architecture
Draft a modular sass architecture using folders and nested scss files based on your interface inventory.
- How would you organize all of these files in a meaningful way in order to find stuff later when you and other developers come back to the code?
##Component Design
Detail a number of key components.
- Give attention to the naming conventions of each component, its variants, modifiers and states.
- Use semantic markup wherever possible (html5 tags, class names, etc)
- Also outline the styles for any descendent elements as needed.
- Ensure your components are responsive and designed with mobile first breakpoints.
- Cards
- Containers