A quick and useful .NET application for windows environment variables edition.
Download latest PORTABLE version
Download latest InstallShield version

Handle your variables with a couple of buttons that integrates a simple CRUD.
In the create new environment variable groupbox , give a name to your variable.
In the value box you can give a custom value (numeric, string .. etc) or give a path :
Use "Give path value" to open a folderbrowser , choose a path and set it as value of your variable.
Finally, click on create and your variable will be already available on windows !
[Note: The actives command prompt will not notice the variable exist until you restart it (a cmd.exe window or the application itself)]
In the edit groupbox, change the value of a existing variable.
If you need to change the name, delete the variable and then create a new one.
Click on update and confirm the question !
@version 1.0 (08.08.2015)