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  • Java 8 JDK
  • Apache Maven 3
  • PostgreSQL Server 9.0+, or any other SQL server (i. e. MySQL)
  • JMeter

#Quick start This quick start guide uses the default configuration and sets the application up using some sample data. It requires a Postgres server running in the local machine and listening to the default port 5432.

If you want to tune the configuration or load custom data, please, skip this section and keep reading.

  • Create 2 databases and a new user (use r783qjkldDsiu as password)
createdb elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres
createdb elixir_beacon_testing -U postgres
createuser -P microaccounts_dev
psql elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_dev TO microaccounts_dev;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_testing TO microaccounts_dev;
psql -d elixir_beacon_dev -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql
psql -d elixir_beacon_dev -U elixir_beacon_testing < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql
psql -d elixir_beacon_dev -U microaccounts_dev
INSERT INTO beacon_dataset(id, description, access_type, reference_genome, size)
  VALUES ('EGAD00000000028', 'Sample variants', 'PUBLIC', 'grch37', 34114);
cat EGAD00000000028.SNPs | psql -U microaccounts_dev -c "COPY beacon_data_table(dataset_id,chromosome,position,alternate) FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS ';' CSV" elixir_beacon_dev
  • Download the code
git clone
cd human-data-beacon
cd elixir_beacon
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ..
cd elixir_core
git submodule init
git submodule update
  • Prepare dependencies
cd elixir_core
mvn clean compile jar:jar
mvn install
  • Compile and deploy the application
cd elixir_beacon
mvn clean compile package"dev"
cd target
java -jar elixir-beacon-0.3.jar

#Configure databases ##Create databases

  • Create two databases. Default names are:
    • elixir_beacon_dev: this is the main database that will be used by the application.
    • elixir_beacon_testing: this is a secondary database that will be used to run the tests.
createdb elixir_beacon_dev -h -p 5432 -U postgres
createdb elixir_beacon_testing -h -p 5432 -U postgres

NOTE: If you want to use a different name, user or your Postgres server is running in a different host or is listening to a different port, please, replace the values in the previous command.

  • These are the most common options used in the commands of this section:

    • -d database name (depending on the command the database name will be specified with this option).
    • -h hostname or IP of the machine where the Postgres server is running.
    • -p port that the Postgres server is listening to.
    • -U user name that will be used to connect to the database. Depending on the command it might be required to be a superuser (i. e. postgres).
  • Create a user that will be used by the application to connect to the databases just created:

createuser -P microaccounts_dev

This command will prompt for the password of the new user.

  • Log in each of the databases and grant privileges to a normal user (that is, not a super user), i. e. the user just created in the previous step:
psql elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_dev TO microaccounts_dev;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_testing TO microaccounts_dev;

NOTE: You can skip this step and load the schema using a super user in the next step and after that, granting privileges to a normal user (this user will be used by the application to connect to the database).

  • Download the schema script and run it in both databases:
psql -h -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_dev -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql
psql -h -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_dev -U elixir_beacon_testing < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql

That script will create the schema and also load some essential data for data use conditions.

If you use a super user to create the schema then you will need to grant access to the "normal" user that will be used by the application (that user we created in the second step):

psql elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres

Remember to run these lines in both databases.

##Load the data

  • Download the script to parse VCF files and give it executable rights:
chmod +x
  • Run this script executing:
./ dataset_id < file.vcf

This script will generate an output file called dataset_id.SNPs (i. e. EGAD00000000028.SNPs). It will also output the number of variants extracted from the VCF. This value is the "size" in the next step.

  • Load the dataset information into beacon_dataset_table.
INSERT INTO beacon_dataset(id, description, access_type, reference_genome, size)
    VALUES ('dataset_id', 'dataset_description', 'PUBLIC', 'grch37', 123456);

NOTE: Remember to replace the values in the previous command with the correct ones.

  • Load the generated file into beacon_data_table:
cat dataset_id.SNPs | psql -h -p 5432 -U microaccounts_dev -c "COPY beacon_data_table(dataset_id,chromosome,position,alternate) FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS ';' CSV" elixir_beacon_dev

NOTE: This command should be executed only in the elixir_beacon_dev database. The testing database will be initialized with some data when the tests are run.

#Managing the code ##Download the project Clone the projects elixir_beacon (current one) and elixir_core located at the Elixir's repository.

git clone

Then download each of the projects (submodules in git terminology):

cd human-data-beacon
cd elixir_beacon
git submodule init
git submodule update

Do the same for the other project.

##Elixir Core First of all, it is necessary to compile the code of the elixir_core project because it is a dependency of the main project, elixir_beacon.

cd elixir_core
mvn clean compile jar:jar

This will generate the JAR file elixir-core-beacon_api_v0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar inside the /target folder.

Then execute:

mvn install

Now this dependency will be found when compiling the main project, elixir_beacon.

##Elixir Beacon, the main project ###Configuration files The key files are /src/main/resources/application-{profile}.properties and /src/test/resources/application-{profile}.properties (see Deploy JAR for more information about profiles).

By default, the application is deployed at port 9075 and the context is /elixirbeacon/v03/. You can change this by modifying the following lines of the application-{profile}.properties file:


As explained at the beginning, the application uses two PostgreSQL databases named elixir_beacon_dev and elixir_beacon_testing.

datasource.elixirbeacon.password=PUT HERE YOUR PASSWORD
  1. Specify the type of the database (postgresql), the hostname (default,, port (default, 5432) and finally the database name.
    • I. e. if you use MySQL: jdbc:mysql
  2. Username that will be used to connect to the database (default, microaccounts_dev).
  3. Password of that username.
  4. Driver class name
    • if you use MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
  1. Hibernate dialect.
    • if you use MySQL: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

If you use a different DB than Postgres, you must add the corresponding library to the /lib folder inside the JAR (you don't need to recompile) or add the dependency to the pom.xml so maven can download the library (this will force you to compile, see next step).

##Compile and test the code To compile the code run the following command within the project folder:

cd elixir_beacon
mvn clean compile package"dev"

That will also execute the tests. To skip them add -Dmaven.test.skip=true to the command.

To execute only the tests run:

mvn test

NOTE: To execute the tests you should use a different database than the main one (i. e. elixir_beacon_testing, see Create databases).

If compilation and test execution are successful, a JAR file will be generated in the folder /target with the name elixir-beacon-0.3.jar

##Deploy the JAR To deploy the JAR run run the following command within the elixir_beacon/target folder:

cd target
java -jar elixir-beacon-0.3.jar

It will generate a log in the file application.log located in the same folder where the JAR is located (by default, elixir_beacon/target but you can move the JAR file wherever you want and deploy it there).

This argument specifies the profile to be used. By default, there are 2 profiles: dev and test. Each profile will use its own set of properties files.

I. e. dev profile will use:

  • application-dev.yml

Using the default configuration, the application will be available at: localhost:9075/elixirbeacon/v03/

##Run integration tests We use JMeter to run this kind of tests. We have an artifact called elixir-beacon-service-tests.

To get the code download the project elixir_beacon_tests (you should already have the folder created but empty, follow these steps to download the content).

Once you have downloaded this project you can just run:

mvn -P local clean verify

This will download jmeter and run some basic tests.

The -P local refers to a maven profile. These profiles can be found in the file pom.xml. The local profile uses this configuration for running the tests:

  • host: localhost
  • port: 9075

For other configurations please add a profile in pom.xml file. You will see the results on the console.

#Using the application The application publishes two endpoints:

  • /beacon/info
  • /beacon/query

They are defined in the org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.ElixirBeaconController class.

##/beacon/info Returns the information about this beacon: its Id, name and description, the API version it is compliant with, the URL where you can access this beacon, etc.


  "id" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "name" : "Elixir Demo Beacon",
  "apiVersion" : "0.3",
  "organization" : {
    "id" : "EGA",
    "name" : "European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA)",
    "description" : "The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) is a service for permanent archiving and sharing of all types of personally identifiable genetic and phenotypic data resulting from biomedical research projects.",
    "address" : "",
    "welcomeUrl" : "",
    "contactUrl" : "mailto:[email protected]",
    "logoUrl" : "",
    "info" : null
  "description" : "This <a href=\"\">Beacon</a> is based on the GA4GH Beacon <a href=\"\"></a>",
  "version" : "v03",
  "welcomeUrl" : "",
  "alternativeUrl" : "",
  "created" : 1433116800000,
  "updated" : null,
  "datasets" : [ {
    "id" : "EGAD00001000740",
    "name" : null,
    "description" : "Low-coverage whole genome sequencing; variant calling, genotype calling and phasing",
    "assemblyId" : "grch37",
    "dataUseConditions" : [ {
      "header" : {
        "name" : "Consent Code",
        "version" : "0.1",
        "furtherDetails" : ""
      "profile" : {
        "primaryCategory" : {
          "code" : "GRU",
          "description" : "For health/medical/biomedical purposes, including the study of population origins or ancestry."
        "secondaryCategories" : [ {
          "code" : "NMDS",
          "description" : "Use of the data includes methods development research (e.g., development of software or algorithms) ONLY within the bounds of other data use limitations.",
          "details" : "Statistical Methods"
        } ],
        "requirements" : [ {
          "code" : "NPU",
          "description" : "Use of the data is limited to not-for-profit organizations."
        }, {
          "code" : "MOR",
          "description" : "Requestor agrees not to publish results of studies until [date].",
          "details" : "X-Expired"
        }, {
          "code" : "US",
          "description" : "Use of data is limited to use by approved users."
        }, {
          "code" : "PS",
          "description" : "Use of data is limited to use within an approved project."
        } ]
    }, {
      "header" : {
        "name" : "ADA-M",
        "version" : "0.2",
        "furtherDetails" : ""
      "profile" : {
        "anyResearch" : "UNTRUE",
        "anyMethodsDevelopmentResearch" : "TRUE",
        "anyGeneticResearch" : "TRUE",
        "anyNonProfitPurpose" : "TRUE",
        "allowedNonProfitPurposes" : "Advance and understaing of genetics and genomics , including the treatment of disorders, and work on statistical mehods tha migh be applied to such research. ",
        "noOtherConditions" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichOtherConditions" : "Data can be used as controls, A copy of the DAA has to be distributed to all authorized personal .",
        "noAuthorizationObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichAuthorizationObligations" : "An applicant having signed this Data Access Agreement , whose institution has co-signed this Data Acces Agreement , both of them having received acknowledge of its acceptance ",
        "noPublicationObligations" : "TRUE",
        "noTimelineObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichTimelineObligations" : "Agree to update the list of authorized personnel to reflect any changes or departures in affiliated researches and personnel within 30 days of the change made. ",
        "noExpungingObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichExpungingObligations" : "Data helds, will be destroyed , once it is no longer used for the aaproved research, unlesss obliged to retain the data for the archival purposes in conformity with instituitonal policies.",
        "noLinkingObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichLinkingObligations" : "Acknowledge the published paper, version of data and the role of the consortium.",
        "noIPClaimObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichIPClaimObligations" : "Data is protected by international copywright laws, Nothing in the agreement shall operate to transfer to the user institution  any property or intelectual rights. The user institution has the right to develop property based on comparisons with their own data , but not to make intelectual property claims on the data, nor use intelectual property protecion in ways that would prevent, or block access to, or useof, any element of the Data, or conclusions drawn from the Data.  If results arising from the User and User Institution  use of the data could provide could provide health solutions for the benefit of people in the development world , the user and the user institution agree to offer non- exlusive licenses to such results on a reasonable basis for the use for the use in low income and low -middle income countries (as defined by the world bank) to any party that request suvh a license solely for the use within these territories.",
        "noReportingObligations" : "UNTRUE",
        "whichReportingObligations" : "A report must be submited to the DAC if requested on the agreed completion of purpose."
    } ],
    "created" : null,
    "updated" : null,
    "version" : null,
    "variantCount" : 43623891,
    "callCount" : null,
    "sampleCount" : null,
    "externalUrl" : null,
    "info" : {
      "accessType" : "PUBLIC",
      "authorized" : "true"
  } ],
  "sampleAlleleRequests" : [ {
    "alternateBases" : "A",
    "referenceBases" : null,
    "referenceName" : "1",
    "position" : 179832996,
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : null
  } ],
  "info" : {
    "size" : "87247782"

The 3 examples that appear in field sampleAlleleRequests can be customized by modifying the following properties in /src/main/resources/application-{profile}.yml:

#sample #1
  assembly-id-1: GRCh37
  position-1: 6689
  reference-name-1: 17
#sample #2
  assembly-id-2: GRCh37
  position-2: 1040026
  reference-name-2: 1
  dataset-ids-2: EGAD00001000740,EGAD00001000741
#sample #3
  assembly-id-3: GRCh37
  position-3: 1040026
  reference-name-3: 1
  alternate-bases-3: C
  dataset-ids-3: EGAD00001000740

##/beacon/query To actually ask the beacon for questions like "do you have any genomes with an 'A' at position 100,735 on chromosome 3?" And the answer will be yes or no.


  • assemblyId
    • I. e. GRCh37
  • referenceName
    • Accepted values: 1-22, X, Y, MT
  • position
  • alternate (optional)
    • Regular expression: [ACTG]+
    • I. e. alternate=A, alternate=CG, etc.
  • datasetIds (optional)
    • I. e. ?datasetIds=some-id&datasetIds=another-id


  "beaconId" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "exists" : true,
  "error" : null,
  "alleleRequest" : {
    "alternateBases" : "A",
    "referenceBases" : null,
    "referenceName" : "1",
    "position" : 179832996,
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : null
  "datasetAlleleResponses" : null

Or you can ask for the same information in an specific dataset:


  "beaconId" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "exists" : true,
  "error" : null,
  "alleleRequest" : {
    "alternateBases" : "A",
    "referenceBases" : null,
    "referenceName" : "1",
    "position" : 179832996,
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : [ "EGAD00001000740" ]
  "datasetAlleleResponses" : [ {
    "datasetId" : "EGAD00001000740",
    "exists" : true,
    "error" : null,
    "frequency" : null,
    "variantCount" : null,
    "callCount" : null,
    "sampleCount" : null,
    "note" : "OK",
    "externalUrl" : null,
    "info" : null
  } ]

#Further information ##Project structure The project has the following structure:

  • /src/main/java
    • Java files (.java).
  • /src/main/resources
    • configuration files: .properies, .yml
  • /src/test/java
    • Java classes for testing.
  • /src/test/resources
    • configuration files for testing: .properties, .yml
  • /target/generated-sources/java
    • auto generated Java files.
  • /target/classes
    • compiled files (.class).
  • /target
    • among other things, contains the .jar file with the compiled classes, libraries, etc.

##Extend/Change functionality You have two options:

  1. Editing the source code.
    • If you want to add new functionalities (i. e. new endpoints).
  2. Changing the implementation class.
    • If you want to change the way something is done (i. e. you want to modify the query, to check some requirements in the parameters, etc.)

    • You can write your own implementation for the interface org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.ElixirBeaconService

    • This application uses Spring framework. Specifically we use Spring boot.

    • The following steps will allow you to make a custom implementation:

      • Create a new maven project:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project xmlns=""
                  <version>put version here, i.e: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
      • After That create the package org.ega_archive.custom.elixirbeacon. (by default, our app will scan org.ega_archive.custom.elixirbeacon package to try to find candidates for our services) If you want to use a different package name, you must cusomize your application properties name and add the property:
      • Inside that folder create a services package and a write your custom implementation
      package org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.service;
      import org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.dto.Beacon;
      import org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.dto.BeaconAlleleResponse;
      import org.ega_archive.elixircore.helper.CommonQuery;
      import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
      import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
      import java.util.List;
      @Primary //This will make that this implementation will be used instead of the default one
      public class CustomService implements ElixirBeaconService {
        public Beacon listDatasets(CommonQuery commonQuery, String referenceGenome) {
          //Write here your custom code
          return null;
        public BeaconAlleleResponse queryBeacon(List<String> datasetStableIds, String alternateBases, String referenceBases, String chromosome, Integer position, String referenceGenome) {
          //Write here your custom code
          return null;
        public List<String> checkParams(BeaconAlleleResponse result, List<String> datasetStableIds, String alternateBases, String referenceBases, String chromosome, Integer position, String referenceGenome) {
          //Write here your custom code
          return null;
      • Compile your code:
      mvn clean compile jar:jar

      This will generate a elixir-beacon-custom-version.jar.

      If you get an error of the depency not found, it it because you don't have a repo with the dependency artifact. In this case, you can go to the elixir-beacon aritfact and execute:

      mvn install

      This will install the artifact in your local repo. After that try to compile again your custom code.

      • Execute the program with your code:
        • First create an empty folder an copy there the original elixir jar (elixir-beacon-0.3.jar)
        • Then create a /lib folder and put the elixir-beacon-custom-version.jar jar in that folder
        • After that you can run the program executing:
        java -Dloader.path=lib/ -jar elixir-beacon-0.3.jar


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