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Repository containing code to process MRI data from spinal cord injury (SCI) patients (both DCM and tSCI) using the Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT).


  1. DICOM to NIfTI (BIDS) conversion
  2. Processing (spinal cord and lesion segmentation, vertebral labeling)
  3. Quality control (QC) + manual compression level labeling
  4. Lesion metric computation -- not implemented yet

Table of contents

1. Getting Started

1.1 Dependencies

1.2 Installation


The installation process below is currently only supported on macOS.

SCT Installation

Click the triangle to expand/collapse the section
  1. Open a new terminal:

Press command + space and type Terminal and press return/enter.

  1. Run the following commands in the terminal (you can copy-paste the whole block):

ℹ️ The installation process will take a few minutes.

# Go to your home directory
cd ~
# Download SCT v6.4
curl -L -o
# Unzip the downloaded file --> the unzipped directory will be named spinalcordtoolbox-6.4
# Go to the SCT directory
cd spinalcordtoolbox-6.4
# Install SCT v6.4
./install_sct -iyc
#  '-i'   Install in-place (i.e., in the current directory)
#  '-y'   Install without interruption with 'yes' as default answer
#  '-c'   Disables sct_check_dependencies so we can check it separately
  1. Check that SCT was installed correctly:

Close the terminal and open a new one (press command + space and type Terminal and press return/enter.).

# Check that SCT was installed correctly
# Display location of SCT installation
echo $SCT_DIR

The expected output is [OK] for all dependencies.

dcm2niix Installation

Click the triangle to expand/collapse the section
  1. Open a new terminal (if you closed the previous one):

Press command + space and type Terminal and press return/enter.

Then, activate the SCT conda environment:

# Go to the SCT directory
# Activate SCT conda environment
source ./python/etc/profile.d/
conda activate venv_sct
  1. Run the following command in the terminal (you can copy-paste the whole block):
# Install dcm2niix using pip
pip install dcm2niix
  1. Check that dcm2niix was installed correctly:
dcm2niix --version

The expected output is the version of dcm2niix.

FSLeyes Installation

Click the triangle to expand/collapse the section
  1. Open a new terminal (if you closed the previous one):

Press command + space and type Terminal and press return/enter.

Then, activate the SCT conda environment:

# Go to the SCT directory
# Activate SCT conda environment
source ./python/etc/profile.d/
conda activate venv_sct
  1. Run the following command in the terminal (you can copy-paste the whole block):
# Install fsleyes from conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge fsleyes
  1. Check that fsleyes was installed correctly:
fsleyes --version

The expected output is the version of fsleyes.

Downloading this repository

Click the triangle to expand/collapse the section
  1. Open a new terminal (if you closed the previous one):

Press command + space and type Terminal and press return/enter.

  1. Run the following commands in the terminal (you can copy-paste the whole block):
# Go to your home directory
cd ~
# Download the repository --> the repository will be downloaded as zip file named
curl -L -o
# Unzip the downloaded file --> the unzipped directory will be named balgrist-sci-r20240918
# Rename the unzipped directory to balgrist-sci
mv balgrist-sci-r20240918 balgrist-sci
  1. Check that the repository was downloaded correctly:
# Activate SCT conda environment
source ./python/etc/profile.d/
conda activate venv_sct
# Call the help of the script
python ~/balgrist-sci/ --help

The expected output is the help message of the script.

2. Data structure

2.1 File organization

Click the triangle to expand/collapse the section

A file organization according to the BIDS is shown below.

Note that only the sourcedata directory containing folders with DICOM files for each subject is initially required. The rest of the directories and files will be created during the processing; see the next section.

├── participants.tsv        --> file with participants information; see example below
├── sourcedata              --> folder containing DICOM files for each subject
│   ├── dir_20230711        --> folder with DICOM files for first subject and first session
│   ├── dir_20230711        --> folder with DICOM files for second subject and first session
│   ├── ... 
│   ├── dir_20240815        --> folder with DICOM files for first subject and second session
│   └── ... 
├── bids                    --> folder with BIDS-compliant data
│    ├── sub-001            --> folder containing NIfTI files for first subject
│    │   ├── ses-01         --> first session
│    │   │  ├── anat        --> folder with anatomical data
│    │   │  │  ├── sub-001_ses-01_T1w.nii.gz
│    │   │  │  ├── sub-001_ses-01_T2w.nii.gz
│    │   │  │  ├── ...
│    │   │  └── dwi         --> folder with diffusion data
│    │   │     ├── sub-001_ses-01_dwi.nii.gz
│    │   │     ├── sub-001_ses-01_dwi.bval
│    │   │     ├── sub-001_ses-01_dwi.bvec
│    │   └── ses-02         --> second session
│    │      ├── ...
│    ├── sub-002            --> folder containing NIfTI files for second subject
│    │   ├── ...
│    ├── ...
│    └── derivatives        --> folder to store visually checked and/or manually corrected data (for example, spinal cord segmentations)
│        └── labels
│            ├── sub-001    --> first subject
│            │   ├── ses-01 --> first session
│            │   │  ├── anat
│            │   │  │  ├── sub-001_ses-01_T2w_label-SC_seg.nii.gz              --> spinal cord (SC) binary segmentation
│            │   │  │  ├── sub-001_ses-01_T2w_label-compression_label.nii.gz   --> binary compression labeling
│            │   │  │  ├── ...
│            │   │  └── dwi
│            │   │     ├── sub-001_ses-01_dwi_label-SC_seg.nii.gz
│            │   │     ├── ...
│            │   └── ses-02 --> second session
│            │      ├── ...
│            ├── sub-002
│            └── ...
└── data_processed          --> folder with processed data  
     ├── sub-001            --> folder with processed data for first subject
     │   ├── ses-01         --> first session
     │   │  ├── anat        --> folder with processed anatomical data
     │   │  │  ├── ...

participants.tsv example:

participant_id ses_id source_id age sex
sub-001 ses-01 dir_20230711 42 M
sub-001 ses-02 dir_20240815 43 M
sub-002 ses-01 dir_20230713 57 F

ℹ️ Notice that we use one row per session. This means that, for example, sub-001 has two rows in the table because they have two sessions.

3. Analysis pipeline

The entire analysis pipeline is orchestrated by the script.

The script first converts DICOM files to NIfTI (BIDS) format using dcm2niix. Then, it processes the data using SCT functions. After running the SCT functions, the script opens FSLeyes to allow the user to visually check the results.


./ -d <dicom folder> -b <bids folder> -r <results folder> -p <participant id> -s <session id> -c <contrasts> [-age <age> -sex <sex>]
  -d <dicom folder>           Path to the folder containing DICOM images. Example: ~/sci-balgrist-study/sourcedata/dir_20230711
  -b <bids folder>            Path to the BIDS folder where the converted NIfTI images will be stored. Example: ~/sci-balgrist-study/bids
  -r <results folder>         Path to the folder where the results will be stored. Example: ~/sci-balgrist-study/data_processed
  -p <participant id>         Participant ID. Example: sub-001
  -s <session id>             Session ID. Example: ses-01
  -c <contrasts>              MRI contrasts to use (space-separated if multiple). Examples: 'T2w' or 'T2w dwi'

  -a <age>                  Age of the subject at the time of the MRI scan. The provided value will be stored to participants.tsv file. Example: 25. Default: n/a
  -x <sex>                  Sex of the subject. The provided value will be stored to participants.tsv file. Example: M. Default: n/a


bash \
  -d ~/data/experiments/balgrist-sci/source_data/dir_20231010 \
  -b ~/data/experiments/balgrist-sci/bids \
  -r ~/data/experiments/balgrist-sci/data_processed \
  -p sub-001 \
  -s ses-01 \
  -c T2w dwi \
  -a 30 \
  -x M


Pipeline for processing SCI patients using SCT







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