This is a test change for the GitHub workshop
These stylesheets are used to transform the Burroughs TEI documents into the various components necessary for generating Islandora ingest packages for the Comparative Edition Solution Pack.
- display.xsl is used to generate the page HTML files that display the transcriptions
- full-tml.xsl is used to create proofing documents. It has the same HTML as display.xsl, but it outputs all of the pages into one document, so that they can be easily proofread as a unit.
- header2mods.xsl (sort of) creates MODS records based on the TEI header. This needs to be heavily edited before being used on any other documents
- index-plain.xsl creates a plaintext list of all of the sentences in a given page with the sentence number and "||" to separate them.
- index-tags.xsl creates a sentence list for each page like the one created by index-plain.xsl, but it outputs the sentences surrounded with an tag with HTML for display.
- pseudo-TEI.xsl creates page-level TEI-like files that replicate all of the contents of for each page.